

After incredibly stressful past two years for vocalist Randy Blythe it seems like the vocalist wants just that. Blythe posted the above photo to his Instagram along with the following text post, which details his need to step away form Lamb of God all together for the time being and have a normal life.

“And so another album cycle comes to an end. This has been a very eventful, at times VERY STRESSFUL, album cycle, & it’s been about three years since we started on this one in our practice space- I need a break. Tomorrow is a 19 hour flight back to the USA, & then another one home to RVA, & except for two festival shows in 2014, I will not be thinking about lamb of god, touring, playing heavy metal, writing new lamb of god material- NONE OF THAT STUFF- AT ALL- for a good long while.

Time to do other things for a bit, & let my brain regroup, & be a somewhat normal human being. This has been a pretty wild ride though, & to end it in AFRICA of all places still amazes the crap outta me. So thanks Johannesburg for an awesome end to the Resolution tour cycle, & to all you other bands, hear this: the game has been stepped up, & the ante has risen.

You are not a REAL G until you come to South Africa & your fans throw one of THESE to you on stage- a warthog skull. Takes the cake for the strangest thing throw at me on stage ever, & I’ve had some weird shit thrown at me- I named him Jeff. Jeff, the South African warthog. Top that, y’all. Don’t front like your ballin’ if you ain’t rockin’ that wart hog shizzy.

I figured I’d finish up the cycle with a nice self-portrait. Me & Jeff are outty. Peace, & one love. – Randy“.

           DATE : FEB 04, 2014


The band released their EP Above/Below late in 2013 with new guitarists Devin Shidaker and Richard Gomez and it was unbelievably heavy in a very Continents-era sort of way. 

The band are currently writing their new record which they're scheduled to record in March with Fit for an Autopsy guitarist and producer Will Putney. Putney has handled producing the material of bands like Impending Doom and Vision of Disorder, and his own band, so the guy knows how to capture the type of sound The Acacia Strain is known for.

          DATE : JAN 19, 2014


Devil You Know, the new project from ex-Killswitch Engage singer Howard Jones, which also features All Shall Perish guitarist Francesco Artusato and Devolved drummer John Sankey are all done recording their debut album and have moved on to the mixing stages! But who can handle such a gargantuan task? Well…

It's Chris "Zeuss" Harris (Hatebreed, God Forbid, Soulfly)! The band just finished up their recording with Logan Mader (Gojira, Devildriver) and are planning to drop their highly-anticipated debut on us come spring of 2014 sometime via Nuclear Blast!

In a new press release, the band also announced new members:

Beginning on February 22 in Brisbane, Australia, Devil You Know will join the world renowned Soundwave Festival Tour performing alongside the likes of Rob Zombie, Five Finger Death Punch, and Avenged Sevenfold. It will also mark the addition of guitarist Roy Lev-Ari and Bleeding Through bassist Ryan Wombacher to the band's lineup.

          DATE : DEC 21, 2014


Lamb of God are on a tear with doing cool stuff recently, their most recent endeavor being the re-release of their As the Palaces Burn record. This film has nothing to do with the record and is instead of a documentary about the impact of metal on different cultures! It's gonna be awesome.

The band recently announced they'd be working with Specticast to drop the film on our collective heads come February 27 of next year! It was filmed all throughout 2012 and concluded in March 2013. According to a press release that explains the premise of the film:

"'As The Palaces Burn'… was conceived to be a documentary focused on the power of music and its impact on cultures around the world and its ability to bring together people of all nationalities regardless of religious or political differences. After a worldwide casting call, filming took place in Colombia, Venezuela, Israel, India, and the United States. As filming reached its conclusion, the documentary was forced to take a major turn when the band’s lead singer, Randy Blythe, was arrested in the Czech Republic and charged with the murder of a fan in June 2012. Granted unique access to Blythe’s continuing saga, Argott’s filming covered Blythe’s 38 day imprisonment in Prague, his release and the band’s return to live performances, and finally Blythe’s trial for murder in Prague in February 2013."

                DATE : DEC 12,2013



There might not be a timetable for the release of the next Slipknot record, but it's definitely happening. It seems the band is kicking "writing mode" into high gear, so much so that guitarist Jim Root had to abstain from his other commitment, touring with Stone Stour in January. 

The band posted this statement with the announcement of Jim's absence from touring:

"Everyone involved is okay with the decision and our mutual friend Christian Martucci will be filling in on guitar.

"It was a difficult decision, but as the fans have wanted another Stone Sour tour and Jim had responsibilities to the writing process with Slipknot, we feel this is the best decision where everyone wins."

For Slipknot fans, this has to be really exciting. One of the main reasons writing was delayed this long was because Stone Sour was too busy. This means the band is getting really serious and possibly even have a timetable for release and new tours lined up down the pipe later in 2014. 

Previously, the band hinted the material is very dark, and may end up being a double album.

               DATE : DEC 08,2013


According to guitarist Jake Bowen:

"Clear is an experiment to explore all of the different writing styles in the band. It's rare when you have a band where every member is capable of writing and producing music. With each member controlling their own track, this recording enabled us to go down any path we chose in terms of style and sound. "Every track also contains a melodic theme established in Clear's intro track "Overture" this common thread links all of the songs together, even though they all sound wildly different. Clear shouldn't be confused with our new 3rd full-length album that we're currently working on, nor should it be considered an EP as it rides somewhere in-between clocking in at 30 minutes. Enjoy!"

               DATE : DEC 04,2013


Now that Suicide Silence announced that former All Shall Perish vocalist Eddie Hermida has joined their ranks, the next step for the band is to record a new album. They have been writing for a while now and plan to enter the studio this week.

According to the band's Facebook page, where they've also posted the above picture:

"We will begin recording our new album next week with Steve Evetts at the helm.
This record will be the grittiest, most meaningful piece of work we've ever stood behind. We cannot wait for everyone to hear it. Steve Evetts is someone we've worked closely with for a long while, not only on The Black Crown, but also on some instrumental demos just prior to the tragedy last Fall. Here we are a year later prepping to record the nastiest, heaviest, most disgusting work we've ever done. Expect the unexpected. This is for Mitch."

              DATE : NOV 05,2013


Slipknot have plans to hit the studio early next year to work on new music and now vocalist Corey Taylor is saying the new demos are "really dark" and "a cross between [the band's past records] Iowa and Vol. 3." taylor might as well have come out and said that the new record is going to be amazing, if that's actually the case with the new stuff.

Slipknot have said they wanted to come out with a record in 2014 if they could make it work that way, and apparently they're making it work out exactly that way. According to Taylor in an interview with Artist Direct, by way of Blabbermouth:

"That album is a bit of a peek at what I think the next album will be [in reference toVol. 3]. It'll be a cross between Iowa and Vol. 3 in a lot of ways, while also evolving the way we always have. The stuff I'm writing right now is really dark. The stuff Clown is coming with is fucking beyond. It's really cool. It's going to be cool to get the alchemists in the same room and see what happens."

               DATE : OCT 23,2013


Lamb of God released a trailer for a new documentary coming soon called As The Palaces Burn and this trailer is a must-watch.

About two years ago, Lamb of God were seeking international fans for a documentary on how metal is global. Midway through the process, Randy Blythe was arrested and charged with what amounted to manslaughter in the Czech Republic, forcing the project to switch tracks.

From the looks of the trailer, we will be getting a lot of insight into how the band reacted to the entire ordeal. This will be our first official look inside both the court and the minds of the band members and what they went through.

The documentary was directed by Don Argott, who previously worked on Last Days Here, focusing on Pentagram's Bobby Liebling's attempt to kick crack addiction and reform his band.

The doc premieres on November 20th at the International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam, with a theatrical and home release planned for next year. 

                 DATE : OCT 16,2013


I was really excited when Lamb Of God announced they'll be reissuing their classic 2003 album As the Palaces Burn remixed and remastered by Josh Wilbur because I always had issue with the mix. Now that I finally hear a new track, I couldn't be more excited!

              DATE : OCT 11,2013


According to frontman Spencer Sotelo's Twitter:

“So burned out on recording. Good thing these tracks are almost done! Stoked for all you guys to hear what we have been brewing up lately.”

“You guys aren’t gonna have to wait until Juggernaut [the working title to the band's next album] to get new Periphery jams”

“The material is 100% new and unheard.”

Hell yes! It makes sense for the band to put out an EP sometime soon. Look at their track record so far; self-titled in 2010, Icarus EP in 2011, Periphery II in 2012… and then 2013 would be another EP and 2014 being Juggernaut presumably.

            DATE : OCT 04,2013


While the world patiently waits for the System Of A Down record that is apparently happening soon enough, drummer for the group John Dolmayan has begun work on a covers album that he claims is simply "practice" for him!

According to Dolmayan's Twitter:

"Started working on my cover album, should be good practice for the eventual SOAD album sometime in the future."

It'll be interesting to hear Dolmayan's work by himself on a few different levels; what songs he picks to cover, who he's going to have in the band (if even anyone else- I'm not aware of him being a multi-instrumentalist), and how he covers the songs in terms of style. Plus it's cool that while he announces it'll be something he'd doing outside System of a Down, he lets the fans know it's going to happen with the band soon enough! Fingers crossed!

             DATE : OCT 02,2013


Coming off a pretty extensive tour from their 2012 record Koloss, Meshuggah plan on hunkering down early 2014 to begin writing a new record that surely will destroy the brains of most.

In a recent interview with Australia's Loud Magazine, guitarist Mårten Hagström made a comment about the band beginning to work on new material:

"So we’re basically looking to have some time off in December [after the band gets off tour in November], and then we’ve been on the road with Koloss for like two years or something, on and off. So then I guess it’s about time to start writing new stuff again."

And about what the band plans to do in terms of how it'll sound:

"I have no idea, and I never do. And I think that’s a good thing, ‘cause people sometimes say that we’re pretty unpredictable, but I don’t really think we are because we have a sound that’s been with us since at least like the None EP [from 1994], that’s very us. It doesn’t really change all that much, but it’s still a progression, and what I mean by taking a step forward is that we’re still, we’ve been around now. We’re veterans in this game, and we’re still having fun with what we do, with experimenting with the music that we want to create. So as long as it feels like we’re making it better, and as long as it feels like we’re doing something that we can at least stand for and be proud of, that’s all that we ask."

              DATE : SEP 26,2013


We've talked about Slipknot doing a record in 2014, but Joey Jordison has come forward with the good news that they're slowly piecing things together. A lot of things, apparently.

When Jordison was asked by ArtistDirect how the new Slipknot record was coming along, Jordison responded:
"Whenever I pick up a guitar and I'm not doing anything, I'm always writing riffs. That's all we're doing. We've all got a shitload of riffs. We're always writing. Even though we haven't gotten together, there's plenty of material there. We talk to each other all the time on our cell phones and all of that when we're on tour in different spots of the world. We're all working. It hasn't found its time yet. We're continuing to write though. We're always writing. We're going to have so much shit, it might have to be a double record."

               DATE : SEP 21,2013


Alright, Scar the Martyr have been getting some mixed press at best about their debuting new songs… but I can't stop with this EP. I really can't. Who says no to good, free music?

Scar the Martyr teamed up with Revolver Magazine to bring you a free EP of their music, which all you have to do is click here and follow the instructions.

The EP is "Blood Host" and "Soul Disintegration" which you've been able to hear before, but also two B-sides called "After the Fall" and "Trinity of Lies," which I think are better than the two songs I mentioned before. "After the Fall" is like 90's rock and death metal at the same time, and 'Trinity of Lies" is just groovy as all hell. Check it out. Seriously, Scar the Martyr is actually a pretty good band.

               DATE : SEP 21,2013


To commemorate the occassion, the band will be re-releasing the album that practically launched their career with a brand new coat of paint in the form of a remix and remaster.

As much as I love the album, one thing that immediately struck me as odd was the mix job. Apparently, the band feels the same way as they have enlisted Josh Wilbur, their longtime collaborator on later records to rework the record:

“After some serious detective work tracking down the original album master tapes, the band went in with producer Josh Wilbur (who also produced Wrath and Resolution) and gave ‘Palaces a full-on, ass kicking remix and remaster. Front-to-back, top to bottom. The remixed version of Palaces is now how they had originally intended it to be. To go along with the album re-release, Lamb of God also shot a brand new DVD documentary recounting the recording process and the stories behind the music which features new interviews with original producer Devin Townsend, the band members and current producer, Josh Wilbur.

“Drummer Chris Adler comments, ‘We are lucky to have the opportunity, a decade after our first attempt, to bring what I consider to be our master work up to speed sonically. Ever since the original release we’ve been distraught about the sonic qualities of As the Palaces Burn. The band had captured lightening in a bottle and the budget limitation of a sophomore album turned our lightening into a firefly in a jar. The songs are undeniable and we’ve always been very proud of how this album launched our career. It feels appropriate to revisit now that we can and give this very special album the chance to reach our original hopes and it’s true potential.’

“Beginning today, you can pre-order the 10th Anniversary Edition of Palaces (available on both CD and VINYL) along with some previously out of print merch designs.”

          DATE : SEP 14,2013


Just ahead of their headlining tour, progressive metal titans Periphery are back in the studio laying down some tracks for an upcoming release, though it may not be the full-length you've been looking forward to.

Vocalist Spencer Sotelo tweeted:

“Drum tracking for new periphery today went great! @taylorlarson’s drums are sounding better than ever. Time to track some geeeetars”

When asked if the band were recording a full-length or if it was just an EP to tide fans over between released like The Icarus EP in 2011 was, Sotelo only responded with:

"Something like that ;)"

Regardless, new Periphery is in the works and I couldn't be more excited. Periphery II: This Time It's Personal was easily one of the best records of 2012 and they only seem to be getting better and better, especially with the addition of Adam "Nolly" Getgood on bass and Mark Holcomb on guitars before the recording of their sophomore effort. Bring on the new 'riffery! Also, the video below was posted by Taylor Larsen, and may be footage of Periphery recordings.

          DATE : SEP 06,2013


Bassist for the band Nick Schendzielos had this to say in a press release regarding the new record:

"Mayhem was absolutely phenomenal. We want to send out a huge thanks – from the massive, rabidly energetic crowds every single day (despite the heat!), to John Reese and his amazing production staff, and to all the killer bands and crew we were fortunate enough to party/share the stage with. Now it's time to get knee deep in riff-land to start composing our next full length record which will be coming out in 2014. We have a really exciting concept for the record and we can't wait to share it with you guys! Til then, keep metal as an adjective!"

         DATE : SEP 06,2013


Lamb Of God are scheduled to play Malaysia's Rock4Way festival on September 28, a rare show for a metal band in the area, and now we can see why. Today, the Department Of Islamic Development, also known as "Jakim" objects to their peformance for the typical close-minded reasons metal has faced in the past.

Jakim's director-general, Datuk Othman Mustapha, who clearly has never been to a metal show claims that Lamb of God “incorporates evil and anti-divine spiritual elements in its performance.” Whoa, really? I've never seen these anti-divine spiritual elements at previous Lamb of God shows, so they must've really upped their production budgets recently. Here is what Malaysian news site, The Star reported:

Its director-general, Datuk Othman Mustapha, said Jakim raised the objection on Friday because the genre of music that the group had performed was a mix of metal songs with the reading of verses from the Quran.

The band had sparked controversy among the Christian community itself as a group that incorporates evil and anti-divine spiritual elements in its performance, he said in a statement.

Othman said the objection was in accordance with the decision of the Fatwa (Edicts) Committee that the practices and acts of black metal groups were misguided and contrary to the true teachings of Islam.

As such, Jakim feared that the performance in the country of heavy metal groups would revive the black metal trend, he said.

Othman said it was hoped that the authorities would not approve the performance of the Lamb of God by taking into consideration the sensitivities of Muslims and to ensure that it did not open up crises related to faith and morality.

          DATE : AUG 31,2013


It's new Whitechapel music and it's more than likely being recorded within the coming weeks. Along with the above picture, the band captioned it with:

First day at #audiohammerstudios with @MarkLewis720 tightening up songs before starting drum tracking.

So we know that Mark Lewis is producing the record and that they're at Audio Hammer Studios in Sanford, FL. It's not much to go on, but needless to say I'm pretty stoked about it! Their self-titled in 2012 was a massive jump in sound, incorporating a lot more riffing and even some Slipknot sounding stuff.

          DATE : AUG 29,2013


Between The Buried and Me have been on Metal Blade Records for their last few releases and couldn't be happier with their label home. Previously, though, the band was on Victory Records and in speaking with the band many times they couldn't wait to fulfill their contract and move on to a new label home. A source mentioned to me once that the band had never seen a single royalty from Victory Records, which is interesting because Victory is repackaging some of the band's (excellent) older material into new product they are releasing next month and the band is none too happy about it. 

The compilation is called Snapshot and will include four pictures of the band with the repackaged best-of, the second such compilation Victory is releasing of BTBAM's music, the first of which was released a week before their Metal Blade-debut album as a kind-of fuck you sendoff from the leading independent music distributor. For their part, BTBAM released this message on their Facebook page:

BTBAM, who could've very easily just ignored this made sure to get on their Facebook and let their fans know they do not approve of the release:

Just so everyone knows, we have a merch button at the top of our page [note from Editor: here's the link] that is a listing of all our OFFICIAL merch stores. Please don't bother buying from anywhere else as it does not in any way filter through to us, nor do we have control over the quality of the product.

Also, I know our fans are smart enough to know that if there is a new release coming out that we haven't advertised, then we obviously have nothing to do with it and again it is only profiting some third party that has no association with the band. We'd be more than happy if you just downloaded our old (ie: pre-Parallax) music and just continue coming to see us live.

Again, OFFICIAL BTBAM recognized merch sites at the button below and at the top of our page. THANK YOU! See you all soon.

Hopefully fans won't be fooled into buying a product the band hasn't signed off on, or maybe there are die-hards out there that just want everything with BTBAM's name on it.

         DATE : AUG 28,2013


So much to be excited about the Protest The Hero front. The band will be releasing Volitionon October 29th and now they announced they will be hitting the road this fall in support of the new record. They will be touring with Architects, The Kindred and Affiance. The tour runs from November 7th in Ottowa to December 15th in Philly, so it's a long-ass tour. Here are the dates:

11/07 Ottawa, ON – Ritual

11/08 Montreal, QC – Tulipe

11/09 Toronto, ON – Sound Academy

11/12 Thunder Bay, ON – Crock’s

11/13 Winnipeg, MB – Union Hall

11/14 Saskatoon, SK – Odeon

11/15 Edmonton, AB – Avenue Theatre

11/16 Calgary, AB – The Gateway

11/18 Vancouver, BC – Vogue

11/19 Portland, OR – The Branx

11/20 Seattle, WA – El Corazon

11/22 San Francisco, CA – Slim’s

11/23 Los Angeles, CA – The Roxy

11/24 San Diego, CA – Soma Side Stage

11/25 Tempe, AZ – Club Red

11/26 Albuquerque, NM – Launchpad

11/27 Denver, CO – Summit

11/29 Dallas, TX – The Door

11/30 Houston, TX – Warehouse Live

12/02 Atlanta, GA – Masquerade

12/03 Orlando, FL – The Beacham

12/05 Greensboro, NC – Greene Street Club

12/06 Cleveland, OH – Agora Ballroom

12/07 Chicago, IL – Bottom Lounge

12/08 Detroit, MI – Magic Stick

12/10 Pittsburgh, PA – Mr Smalls

12/11 Baltimore, MD – Ottobar

12/13 New York, NY – Gramercy

12/14 Worcester, MA – The Palladium Upstairs

12/15 Philadelphia, PA – The Trocadero

         DATE : AUG 28,2013


God Forbid breaking up  was a pretty big deal, especially since nobody really saw it coming. Now we've got guitarist Doc Coyle and bassist John Outcalt's take on the break-up. Will we finally learn what was the final straw that broke the camel's back?

In an interview done by Danko Jones and posted on Blabbermouth, Doc Coyle said the following about the band's break-up:

"I don't want to leave the band, but there are elements of disorganization and unprofessionalism within the group that have made it impossible to be an effectively active band. I don't feel like I'm being treated in a way that meets my standards, so I have to remove myself from the equation… Unfortunately, touring with the band last year proved to be unsustainable from a financial survival standpoint. I was homeless, in debt and needed to figure something out, because this lifestyle I was living was not working. The last few years are the first time in my life I've really thought about what I wanted to do outside of God Forbid."

Then last night, The PRP obtained this quote by bassist John Outcalt via his Facebook before it was deleted:

“So as you all know by nowGod Forbid broke up. I don’t really want to talk about the why and how concerning this and my feelings about it, other than to say I’m not disappointed so much about the fact that it happened, but rather the way it happened.

What I do want to say is thank you, to all the people who have supported us and helped us along, and that means our fans, our families and loved ones, other members of this band that once was, people who have fed us, let us sleep in their homes, people who gave us rides to where we needed to go no matter how far, who let us borrow equipment, who worked for us for less than they should have been paid or for nothing at all, people who bought us drinks, who drove hundreds or even thousands of miles or stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to see us play (or both), people who have shared their time, skills and advice to help us, those who have slept in the most filthy and uncomfortable positions in our tour vans, who have risked their lives with us on back to back to back overnight drives all over the country and the world, people who have spent their hard earned money to help us by buying an album, tee shirt, a drink or to get into a show, people who have chosen to be and to remain our friends through the greatest of times and through the worst, to bands we have shared the stage with both huge and unknown.

Thank you so much for all the faith and generosity that any and all of you have shown to us over the years we have existed. I hope you’ve learned from the bad times and savored the good times as much as we have. I can’t say it enough, thank you so much!”

           DATE : AUG 28,2013


While you might know everything that went on with Randy's trial in the Czech Republic, between the coverage and Randy's accounts, now you can really see what Randy saw. It's astonishing.

The film, which Blythe posted on his Tumblr page, is described by the man himself as this:

This is a movie I made in Prague during my trial. I filmed the footage with a Canon EOS 60D, edited it with Final Cut Pro X, and wrote the music using Reason. I wanted to release a slightly different version of the film right before my judgement was rendered by the court (the very last shot in this version was not there until after I was pronounced innocent). My idea was to show my mind set through film and music during the process of my trial, and have a more ambiguous ending heading into my final day in court. I did not know what was going to happen to me, only that I felt I was doing the right thing by being there. Working in a creative capacity during the trial helped me to remain calm- it is what I know how to do, so I wanted to share it with people. I showed the clip to my lawyer and he advised against releasing it until after the trial was over, thinking the authorities might not understand what I was trying to say with the movie. It is all over now, so here is my poor attempt to try and create art in a time of great personal uncertainty.

Note- the Devil plays an important part in Czech fairy tales, and marionettes are a bit of Czech folk culture I came to love while I was there- the marionette hangs in my study now. The Devil is different in Czech fairy tales though, to my understanding- the puppet is representative of me, the way I viewed myself, the way I was viewed by society at different times- all sorts of things. It is not representative of evil- just wanted to clarify that.

Click the following link to download the movie - 

         DATE : AUG 23,2013


Periphery will be heading out on their first headlining tour in forever this fall and they're taking Born of Osiris, Dead Letter Circus and Twelve Foot Ninja along for the ride. The tour kicks off October 11th and wraps up on November 20th. Here are dates:

10/11 – Baltimore, MD @ Rams Head Live

10/14 – Atlanta, GA @ The Masquerade

10/15 – Tampa, FL @ State Theatre

10/16 – Mobile, AL @ Alabama Music Box

10/18 – Ft. Worth, TX @ Tomcats

10/19 – San Antonio, TX @ White Rabbit

10/20 – Houston, TX @ Fitzgerald’s

10/23 – Phoenix, AZ @ Martini Ranch

10/24 – Los Angeles, CA @ The Roxy

10/25 – San Diego, CA @ Soma

10/26 – Santa Ana, CA @ The Observatory

10/27 – San Francisco, CA @ DNA

10/29 – Seattle, WA @ Studio Seven

10/30 – Vancouver, BC @ Tom Lee Music Hall WITHOUT BOO

11/01 – Salt Lake City, UT @ Club Sound

11/02 – Denver, CO @ Summit Music Hall

11/04 – Lawrence, KS @ Granada Theatre

11/07 – Chicago, IL @ Mojoes

11/08 – Minneapolis, MN @ Skyway Theater/Studio B

11/11 – Toronto, ON @ Opera House – WITHOUT BOO

11/12 – Quebec City, QC @ Dagobert – WITHOUT BOO

11/16 – Worcester, MA @ The Palladium

11/20 – New York City, NY @ Gramercy Theatre

           DATE : AUG 21,2013


Dimmu Borgir have apparently begun working on a record for 2014, their first in four years since 2010's fanbase-dividing Abrahadabra. Details inside!

Vocalist for the band Shagrath posted on his Facebook page, which was then shared by the Dimmu Borgir Facebook page, the above image along with the caption:

"'By the desire to achieve.' Stoked about our new material,its shaping up nicely."

No word on if that's a photo of the band writing the new record or doing some recording for it, but what is obvious is that there's going to be some new Dimmu Borgir jams in the upcoming year!

         DATE : AUG 19,2013


It didn't start off as the band breaking up, only guitarist Doc Coyle leaving the band earlier this week. He said about his departure from the band (which led to the break-up):

"I am sorry to say that I am indeed leaving God Forbid. I started playing with these guys since I was 16 years old. Now I'm 32. You do the math. To say this is difficult and a big move for me would be an understatement. It has been very emotional and very sad for me to actually follow through with this, but I feel in my heart and head that it is the right thing to do."

Then it was vocalist Byron Davis' turn, which only made things worse and pretty much confirmed things were going to be bad:

"It's Friday and my boy is home doing well and yes it's true, GF is down. We are a family for the most part some move on while others keep it real like before the band began. I should feel sad but I dont right now because a new chapter has begun. I'll be seeing you all around somewhere. Believe that. Uncle Corey J needs some drums I have a guitar too for him. Blabbering."

And then drummer Cory Pierce put the final nail in the coffin:

"No more suspense… God Forbid is over. Sorry."

Well shit. They've only been getting better and better as the years went on, and their 2012 album Equilibrium was a killer… and now nothing!!

           DATE : AUG 18,2013


Roadrunner have been a record label since 1980 and have naturally accured one hell of a back catalogue for fans to dive into. To celebrate over thirty years of existence, the label will be dropping a four-disc box set that covers the entire history of the label! The track list is way cool too, so get in here and read up on it.

First of all, kudos to everyone who put this together, because holy crap that must have taken some serious hours. Roadrunner gives a really solid synopsis of the box set as well via blabbermouth:

The set, due for release on October 1, includes 54 tracks spread across four discs, packaged in a deluxe fold-out paneled box, at a retail price of $39.98. Decibel contributor Chris Dick has written the liner notes, which trace Roadrunner's entire history and include quotes from founder Cees Wessels; legendary A&R guru Monte Conner; and artists such as King Diamond, Sepultura/Soulfly/Cavalera Conspiracy mastermind Max Cavalera, Trivium frontman Matt Heafy, Opeth leader Mikael Åkerfeldt, Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison, and more.

Also neat that they've taken the time to get people to comment on the label, say a few words, and things like that instead of just mashing a bunch of tracks together and calling it a retrospective. The box is split into four distinct discs; "Foundations" is the label's early years, "Horns Up" is the 1990's metal scene and all the band Roadrunner contributed to it,"And Metal for All" is up to the 2000s, and then "Rock for the Ages" is all the mainstream-ish bands. Again, this box set does not mess around with quality.

Without further ado, I bring you the track list:

Disc 1 – "Foundations":

01. Mercyful Fate - "Evil"

02. Whiplash - "Power Thrashing Death"

03. King Diamond - "Abigail"

04. Carnivore - "Carnivore"

05. Obituary - "Slowly We Rot"

06. Annihilator - "Alison Hell"

07. Deicide - "Sacrificial Suicide"

08. Suffocation - "Infecting The Crypts"

09. Biohazard - "Punishment"

10. Type O Negative - "Christian Woman"

11. Brujeria - "Matando Güeros"

12. Cynic - "Veil of Maya"

13. Life of Agony - "Through and Through"

14. Treponem Pal - "Excess and Overdrive"

Disc 2 – "Horns Up":

01. Nailbomb - "Wasting Away"

02. Machine Head - "Imperium"

03. Dog Eat Dog - "No Fronts (Jam Master Jay's Main Edit)"

04. Death - "Crystal Mountain"

05. Sepultura - "Roots Bloody Roots"

06. Coal Chamber - "Loco"

07. Soulfly - "Eye For an Eye"

08. Fear Factory - "Shock"

09. Slipknot - "Spit It Out"

10. Spineshank - "New Disease"

11. Chimaira - "Pure Hatred"

12. 36 Crazyfists - "Bloodwork"

13. Ill Nino - "What Comes Around"

Disc 3 – "And Metal for All":

01. Killswitch Engage - "My Last Serenade"

02. Trivium - "Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr"

03. Devildriver - "I Could Care Less"

04. Cradle of Filth - "Nymphetamine Fix"

05. Hatebreed - "Destroy Everything"

06. Cavalera Conspiracy - "Inflikted"

07. Roadrunner United - "The Dagger"

08. Porcupine Tree - "Fear of a Blank Planet"

09. Dream Theater - "On the Backs of Angels"

10. Opeth - "Heir Apparent"

11. Megadeth - "Head Crusher"

12. Down - "Witchtripper"

13. Heaven and Hell - "Bible Black"

14. Gojira - "L'enfant Sauvage"

Disc 4 – "Rock for the Ages":

01. Nickleback - "Side of a Bullet"

02. Jerry Cantrell - "Anger Rising"

03. Stone Sour - "30/30-150"

04. Karma to Burn - "Ma Petite Mort"

05. Glassjaw - "Pretty Lush"

06. The Dresden Dolls - "Girl Anachronism"

07. Airbourne - "No One Fits Me (Better Than You)"

08. Murderdolls - "Dead in Hollywood"

09. Theory of a Deadman - "Bad Girlfriend"

10. Black Stone Cherry - "Lonely Train"

11. Korn feat. Skrillex - "Get Up!"

12. Rush - "Headlong Flight"

13. Lynyrd Skynyrd - "Still Unbroken"

          DATE : AUG 18,2013


Protest the Hero have announced their new record to be called Volition and will be out on October 29 through Razor and Tie, which cause a little bit of a shit storm on the internet. Anyway, what's more important is that Lamb of God's Chris Adler will be on the record playing drums and apparently made it super heavy. According to vocalist Rody Walker:

"He's coming from such a different spot than us. We come to heavy metal through punk rock. It must have been strange for him playing some punk beats, and some of the punk beats he plays in a heavy metal way. This may come out being one of our more heavy-sounding records, or more metal-sounding record."

          DATE : AUG 18,2013


Oceano have scheduled their new album Incisions to be available come October 1 via Century Media Records, but they're streaming the heavy-as-hell title track right now!
Just follow the link below.....

Plenty of killer riffs, neat chorus melodies and clean singing that actually fits in the song!

          DATE : AUG 13,2013


In Flames have begun work on their follow-up to the 2011 release Sounds of a Playground Fading.

In Flames posted on their Facebook page that they're going to be working on a new record that's apparently due out in 2014, as well as the image above which looks like they've started pre-production as well? Who knows! All we know is that there will be a new In Flames record in 2014, and I"m pretty pumped about it. In Flames are one of the bands that got me into metal and I still have faith in them… even though they've released some less-than-well-received records in the 2000s.

          DATE : AUG 12,2013


The chapter of Dream Theater with Mike Portnoy has been closed for about three years now, but Portnoy says he'd be glad to reopen that book if the opportunity were presented.

According to an interview, Portnoy said:

I would do it in a heartbeat. They are the ones that have closed the door on it. I've only needed a break, and I've had that break. So I'm ready, willing and able. But I honestly don't think they ever will; they've closed their door on it and I think they're too headstrong in having to prove themselves without me. So I wouldn't count on it. But my door is always open.

The whole thing was a mess when it came to the departure, but from how I understand it Portnoy dropped off after he voiced that the band should take a break to bring back their old creativity. Obviously the band didn't agree, and here were are. Simple!

This isn't the first time Portnoy has talked about it, but it seems like the band has moved on.

Still though… Portnoy Dream Theater making a come back could be interesting in the future for a creative spark to ignite!

         DATE : AUG 02,2013


Savages, which will be out on Nuclear Blast come October 1, is going to be pretty exciting. Outside of just the fact that it's new Soulfly music and that rules, the record will also include guest appearances from members of Clutch, Napalm Death, I Declare War. Frontman Max Cavalera had this to say about the record:
Recording Savages was an amazing experience for me. I was so excited to work with Terry Date, whom I consider to be one of the best producers of all time. He has done some great records and we have been in contact for awhile since he mixed three Soulfly albums in the past. He came to see Soulfly whenever we played in Seattle, and we finally made it work that he would be the producer forSavages.

My teammates were awesome. Marc did some crazy guitar noises and we did a ‘Mars Part Two’ at the end of ‘El Comegente‘ – it’s very Led Zeppelin influenced and Marckicked some ass on it. I wrote ‘El Comegente‘ with Tony Campos. It’s in Portuguese and Spanish and it’s about Vargas – a Venezuelan cannibal from the 80′s. He is the Hannibal Lecter of the Andes. Crazy shit!

I worked for the first time on a full album with my son, Zyon. Before recording the album I first worked closely at home with him in preproduction, and it was great to spend weeks on the songs with Zyon, shaping the sound of the record. Zyon did a great job and he hits really hard just like his uncle Iggor – it was amazing recording with my son. A whole record! A dream come true for a father whose life is dedicated to metal. Savages is a celebration of all that.

          DATE : AUG 01,2013


Well, this is some shitty news for Killswitch Engage drummer Justin Foley. He was recently involved in a biking accident and broke his collarbone. Ouch! This will force the bearded drummer to miss the band's upcoming tour if Asia and Europe but fret not, they have already found a replacement in As I Lay Dying drummer Jordan Mancino.

The band released this statement announcing the switch off:

"We have some not-so-good news to announce. Our drummer, Justin Foley, recently had a bicycle accident and broke his collarbone. So he will not be able to do this upcoming Asia/Europe tour that begins later this week. Luckily, we were able to find a replacement drummer on short notice, so we will not be canceling any dates. The replacement drummer will be our longtime friend Jordan Mancino from As I Lay Dying. Barring any unforeseen issues, Justin should be back on track in time for our upcoming North American tour with Lamb Of God, which starts in late October."

Jordan clearly has plenty of time on his hands seeing as though As I Lay Dying is not going to be active any time soon with frontman Tim Lambesis.

For his part, Justin Foley expressed disappointment in having to miss the tour:

"I've never missed a show, and I'm devastated that I have to miss this tour. I'd like to apologize to the fans and everyone involved with Killswitch Engage for the inconvenience I've caused. I will do everything in my power to heal and return at full strength and as quickly as possible. In the meantime, I'm positive that Jordan will kill it and the band won't miss a beat without me. I'm honored to have such a monster player fill in. See you all very soon."

Jordan Mancino is excited for the opportunity to pay Justin back for filling in for him a not too long ago:

"I'm stoked to have this opportunity to help out Justin and my brothers in Killswitch Engage. A few years back, Justin filled in for me on tour while I was dealing with the passing of my father. I'm now able to return the favor with a hope that Justin will heal from his injury quickly and effectively so he can get back out here and shred as he always does for the Killswitch Engage fans!"

          DATE : JUL 29,2013


The release date has been set for the debut album from Scar The Martyr, the new supergroup led by Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison, for October 1st via Roadrunner Records (of course.) We have all the deets! 

The album title has still not been announced, but the press release that is being passed around says that the album's track listing and first video will be released in the coming weeks. As previously announcedm the band will be playing direct support on Danzig's 25th Anniversary tour.

In addition to Joey Jordison's badassery, the band also features Jed Simon (Strapping Young Lad) and Kris Norris (Darkest Hour), keyboardist Joey Blush and bassist Kyle Konkiel (In This Moment), and Henry Derek Bonner (Blood Promise).

         DATE : JUL 28,2013


Carnifex have been hinting at some pretty big news over the course of the last week, and now it's here! They're singing with Nuclear Blast and will be releasing a new record.

According to the band via their Facebook:

To be aligned with the largest metal label on earth is a true honor. This world-wide deal signals a turning point for us as a band and individuals. Together with Nuclear Blast you will see Carnifex like you have never seen us before. Prepare yourself for an album that crushes any and all expectations. An album that will stand as the definitive mark for modern metal.

CARNIFEX will begin recording their Nuclear Blast debut this July at Audio Hammer Studios in Sanford, FL with famed metal producer Mark Lewis (ARSIS, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, WHITECHAPEL, DEVILDRIVER, DEICIDE, SIX FEET UNDER). Expect a release tentatively sometime in the first quarter of 2014.

         DATE : JUL 12,2013


Corey Taylor, frontman of Slipknot and Stone Sour, was returning home from a long European tour last week, only to discover that his home was robbed of over $35,000 in equipment. That's got to be a shitty welcome back.

The worst part is Taylor thinks he knows who did it, a supposed "friend." The Des Moines Register reports that Taylor filed a police report after getting warnings from friends about the suspect in question stealing from their home and storage units:

A friend told Taylor’s wife that she believed the suspect had been stealing musical equipment from the couple’s West Des Moines home and storage units, according to the report. Another friend became suspicious when he heard the suspect asking to buy equipment back from a local guitar store, the report said.

A third friend was able to identify some of Taylor’s equipment at the guitar store, the report stated. The store’s manager is storing some of the stolen items and working to track down other equipment that was already sold.

The newspaper report states that two of the instruments stolen originally belonged to Paul Gray, but Taylor tweeted a correction saying that they were not Paul's personal basses but rather part of his Ibanez signature series. Some of Taylor's items were recovered, but no charges have been pressed at this time.

         DATE : JUL 9,2013


As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis' life was forever changed on May 7th, 2013, when he was arrested for allegedly attempting to hire a hitman to murder his wife. The supposed hitman ended up being an undercover cop. Lambesis plead not guilty and is currently out on $2 million bond after paying $160,000 to a bail bondsman.

Over the weekend, for the first time since his arrest, Lambesis has released a public statement addressing his current situation. 

Update 7/8/13 12:00pm: Since this posting, Tim has deleted any version of this message and his comments to fans. We assure you everything in this post was legitimately posted by Tim. Original story continues:

Lambesis took to his Tumblr page to post the following (all emphasis by Tim):

What I Can Talk About

I’ve come across many comments, both private and public, asking me to explain more about my case or to explicitly state what my current worldview is.

First, I simply am not allowed to do either of those things.

Some day I will be able to tell the story of all that has happened in detail to get the facts straight and representing the many sides to this fairly complex story. In the mean time, many of you will make your assumptions and take the sensationalism of the press focusing on selling points at face value. I can’t stop that from happening, and I’ve learned something by not having that kind of control. The people who want understanding will wait until the formalities and trials are done. Strangely enough, those type of minds are the people least likely to be judgmental even if I am found guilty. Those reporting from the courtroom will only pass along select facts and the case itself will only require select facts that do not encompass the entirety events. On the other hand, the seemingly larger percentage of people delight in voicing their opinion even though I personally have never said a word about even a single detail related to my case. Unspecific to me, that is a terribly sad reality greatly in contrast to the type of discussion I intend to start by choosing to post again.

Second, all I have the ability to do right now is keep learning.

By posting again I hope to attract people like me who are willing to look at all sides of a philosophical issue to learn before they speak. In fact, I’d be happy if this whole thing was just a way to recommend further readings to each other. However, I do accept that there will be some true geniuses who will try to turn each comment section into what topic they would like to discuss instead as if they created the original post and we all stumbled on their page.

I’m out on bail, but on house arrest. My family has jobs and the ability to run errands or take an afternoon/evening out. I have the unique opportunity of being able to focus and study like I may never have again in life after this. While I can’t say that I always enjoy it, it is more valuable than I originally acknowledged.

Lastly, while I can’t say exactly what it is I believe epistemologically or metaphysically, I can explain what I’m interested in learning.

I grew up in a Christian home and held that belief myself for many years. In the process of sincerely trying to defend that belief in a scholarly way and shortly after finishing my degree, I felt that it was unreasonable to call myself a Christian in light of the evidence. Many AILD fans picked up on the not-so-subtle hints at my worldview change in a couple songs on Awakened. It was never really hidden. Anyway, after my incarceration I found myself re-evaluating topics that I had previously sworn I would never waste my time looking at again. Many can chalk that up as one point for pure boredom in an isolation cell, or you can look at it providentially as the needed circumstance and only possible way to get me to humble my mind.

Either way, I don’t want to just read aimlessly. These daily lists are a way for me understand what I’ve already covered and which topics I should get more material on to read more in depth. Since these lists are public, it is also a way for me to discover the ignorance of many people who post. To be most helpful, please stay on topic.

Today’s reading/research:

Is the Foundation of Morality Natural or Supernatural?

a debate by William Lane Craig vs Sam Harris at Notre Dame University

* transcripts available or you can watch the debate on YouTube

In addition to the statement, Tim was responding to certain fan inquiries on his official Facebook page:

After a fan told Tim that Tim let him down and he sold his As I Lay Dying shirt:

Thank you for helping demonstrate one of the points of my article in the first reply to this post. Did you read the blog by any chance? I understand how you feel. I've felt that way about myself often throughout this process. I'm not sure how your comment applies to the topic of the post though.

The fan responded that he did read the blog post and has moved on:

I appreciate you taking the time to read it. Whatever music it is you decide to enjoy now, I hope you enjoy it because of what it sounds like. Otherwise you're setting yourself up for heartache. I've never met an entire band full of people I'd be proud to agree with. I have met lot of bands though that sound really good, and after I'm LISTENING to music more often than I am assessing their personal life.

Responding to one fan who said he feels "sorrow for those spewing hatred" at Lambesis:

I also feel "sorrow for those spewing hatred" as well. The fact that a situation so far removed from them makes them carry such a burden of emotion is tough. I'm the worst of all for having carried my burdens in the past. I only hope that they be freed in time from their hate.

Asked by one fan if there is "a reason why we should believe in you:"

I hope that you never find reason to believe in me. Even at the strongest points of my life, I would have never wanted other humans to believe in what I can do for them. Often times an idea, or an idea delivered by a person, is worth believing in though. Hopefully we can discuss ideas that have the merit to be upheld. For instance, there are some incredible quotes that come from some terribly fallen people. That broken nature is what makes some quotes so powerful. It is who we aspire to be that we write about, not who we are.

One fan went to town on Lambesis saying "You tried to murder someone, the mother of your kids. Your "points of view" on things and the "answers you're seeking" are really irrelevant at this point, and you should just stop using them and any other reason to post drivel on public online forums just to see how many of your fans tell you you're awesome," with Lambesis responding:

I appreciate your honesty. Naturally people here will more likely feel different than the average person. It's hard to sympathize for you, but many others have done terrible things in their minds and find some small part of them that still wants to see everything turn out for the best. Even someone as disgusted as you said "If God does exist then I hope you do work out forgiveness with him."

Then perhaps the most shocking response. After a fan said Lambesis' plight reminded David in the Bible Tim responds:

…a friend of mine who is a big proponent of all the New Testament letters also brought up the example of Paul. Paul wrote most of the New Testament and was also responsible for killing many Christians (of whom the first ever martyr was one of them). I'm not relating this to me at all. Just relating this to your comment. But, it's interesting how the greatest king in the Old Testament, a man after God's own heart) and the man responsible for the longest book in the Bible was murderer as well as the man who wrote the vast majority of the New Testament.

and quickly adding:

I really hope my last comment doesn't get taken out of context. It's just an interesting religious history fact. That is all.

          DATE : JUL 9,2013


Joey Jordison is serious about his new project Scar The Martyr. Ever since the initial announcement, a lot of news has been trickling out, sharing some snippets of music. Looks like we won't have to wait too long to hear a full track, as the band just announced they'll be supporting Danzig on his upcoming US tour.

Here are the dates:

Aug 09 Sound Academy Toronto, Canada

Aug 13 Sands Bethlehem Event Center Bethlehem, PA

Aug 14 Newport Music Hall Columbus, OH

Aug 16 Congress Theater Chicago, IL

Aug 17 Myth Maplewood, MN

Aug 18 Bourbon Theatre Lincoln, NE

Aug 20 The Great Salt Air Magna, UT

Aug 21 Revolution Center Garden City, ID

Aug 22 Roseland Theatre Portland, OR

Aug 24 Flames Central Calgary, Canada

Aug 25 Union Hall Edmonton, Canada

Aug 27 Commodore Ballroom Vancouver, Canada

Aug 28 Showbox SODO Seattle, WA

Aug 30 Gibson Amphitheatre Universal City, CA

Aug 31 Marquee Theatre Tempe, AZ

         DATE : JUL 4,2013


Djenty whatever-genre-they-are groovemeisters Monuments have announced Christ Barretto (ex-Periphery) as their new singer. Hooray and such!

So according to Chris himself:

Greetings everyone! It's an honour to be joining the Monuments team and Century Media family. I have a great love for the music that these guys create and I'm very much looking forward to being a part of that creative process. As I'm sure you all know, Monuments has had a rich history long before my being here and that is something that I don't want to step on and intend to honour to the best of my abilities. Now that I am here, I invite all of you to come on a musical journey into the future with us, the new generation of Monuments. Hope to see you all at the upcoming gigs!

          DATE : JUL 2,2013


Randy Blythe has had a whirlwind year, spending the majority of last summer in a Czech prison and eventually being exonerated of all charges related to the death of a Lamb of God fan at a Czech concert in 2010.

During his time in prison, Blythe made sure to write a lot, and from the long essays that Blythe has released on his Tumblr, he has proven to be a great storyteller. Now, his memoirs from prison will see the light of the day in the form of a new book release.

Blythe just secured a book deal with De Capo Press to release a memoir which, according to the press release, "puts emphasis on the past year of his life," namely his time in a Czech prison. Blythe released this quote on the book deal:

“While I've dreamed of being a published author almost since I began to read, I never imagined my first book would center around such a sad topic. Sometimes though, life unexpectedly provides you a story that needs to be told,” states Blythe. “I believe this one does (for several different reasons, not just for the benefit of myself), so I will tell it with the respect and dignity all involved deserve. This will be a good read, I promise you, and I hope some good comes of it.”

The release is expected sometime in the spring of 2014. Blythe is writing this one solo, with no help from a ghost writer or anything.

         DATE : JUL 2,2013


Born of Osiris have been teasing the crap out of their new material for the past few months, but now we get to hear some of it. Fun fact- it's really good.

The band also posted the studio version of their new song:

Guitarist Lee McKinney said:

"We couldn't be more excited to not only have a new record coming out this summer, but to have a new single available in time for the start of Mayhem Fest! 'M∆CHINE' to me is just a straight up in your face BORN OF OSIRIS song. It's got an epic intro, intense orchestral content, heavy keyboard breakdowns, a great structure, impactful vocals and of course some gnarly guitar shred. It definitely hits hard from beginning to end. We can't wait to head out and play it live all summer long."

The new album will be released on 20th of August.

         DATE : JUN 26,2013


Joey Jordison's new band is coming, and they're called Scar The Martyr.

The band, also consisting of former Darkest Hour guitarist Kris Norris, former Strapping Young Lad guitarist Jed Simon, keyboardist Chris Vrenna (Nine Inch Nails), and vocalist Henry Derek, has completed recording their debut album at Sound Farm Studios in Des Moines, IA with producer Rhys Fulber, who's previous credits include Fear Factory, Rob Zombie, Mindless Self Indulgence and more.

"With this project, I focused my efforts on writing for the better of the song,” says Jordison. “I wasn't worried about flash or persona… It's all about writing a good solid song. I'm writing music that people can grasp and hold on to…something that resonates. If you don't have that, then you have nothing."

         DATE :JUN 22,2013


Randy Blythe might be a free man after his overwhelming trial in the Czech Republic on allegations of manslaughter, for which he was cleared, but at what cost? For one, a fan of theirs is dead, which is a tragedy. But also, while trying to free their band member's name, Lamb of God apparently went bankrupt.

So says drummer Chris Adler in a new interview with The Virginian Pilot where Adler says that besides the exorbitant legal fees the band encountered from the trial, the band's inactivity during the trial meant no new income coming in, which eventually depleted the band's funds:

“Not only were we not able to generate any income, but we ended up having to pay more than half a million dollars in legal fees,” said Adler, calling from a tour stop in Madison, Wis. “It bankrupted the entire band, no money left for any kind of payroll or anything. When Randy was acquitted, everything was on the line at that point. Either it was completely over, or we had a chance to get back out there and pay these bills and get ourselves back on our feet.”

It was this downtime, and lack of funds that pushed Adler's interest in collaborating with Protest The Hero on their upcoming release:

“We have kids now, and it was nice to spend that time at home. But in the back of your head, it’s always nagging you: Is my career over? What am I gonna do now?” Adler said. “I love this job. Every night is a Friday night, and when that’s threatened, you get scared.”

         DATE : MAY 21,2013


Misha Mansoor has a bit of downtime until Periphery head out on the Summer Slaughter Tour in a few weeks, so he's decided to put that time to good use by working on a new solo album.

Mansoor announced earlier today on his personal Facebook page that he would begin work on the album and it's eventual release will be via a "pay-what-you-want" business model:

Misha has previously released a ton of solo instrumetnal tracks under the moniker of "Bulb," including a lot of early Periphery demos. In fact, the "Heliovice" track can be found on Youtube. No idea who's singing on this though:

          DATE : MAY 21,2013


Unearth have left Metal Blade Records to hop on EOne Music for their upcoming release later on this year! A release that will feature a certain Lamb of God member.

About the label change, vocalist Trevor Phipps said:

A new chapter has begun for Unearth as we have found a few new places to call home. By joining forces with eOne (North America), Century Media (Europe), Howling Bull (Japan) and 3Wise (Australia) we will have a more focused attack from some of the most well known and respected labels in the world. We know this new beginning of sorts will bring bigger and better things for Unearth and our fans and we couldn't be more excited for the future of all things Unearth. We are currently in the studio recording some of the most aggressive, anthemic and energized metal we have ever written and we look forward to unleashing it to you all when it is finished. Expect to hear more about our new album, release dates and future world wide touring plans later this summer.

         DATE : MAY 20,2013


Sepultura are not fucking around with this new record they are working on right now. They reunited with producer Ross Robinson, who helped them with their biggest release, Roots. And now, they enlisted founding Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo to guest on the record.

Lombardo is keeping busy since having that messy falling out with Slayer. He's been working on a new record with his band, Philm and decided to stop by the Sepultura studio to lay down some guest-drumming.

Sepultura guitarist Andreas Kisser posted an in-depth studio update which revealed Lombardo's involvement:

“Next morning we were preparing to record the second guitar when Ross [Robinson, producer] received a message on his phone, he was really excited about it so he stopped everything to tell us what was going on: Dave Lombardo, the one and only ex-drummer from Slayer, also plays with Mike Patton on Phantomas, was real close to the studio with his kids and his dog enjoying some time at the beach, Ross asked if he would like to come to the studio and jam something on our album and he said YES! We were so excited, we could not believe that one of our great idols was ready to be a part of our new album.
“He came and it was so nice, so special, so awesome! He is one of the nicest guys in business and he enjoyed the idea a lot. Ross and Mike prepared two drum sets on the living room, facing each other, no cymbals, just tribal drums! When the mics were all ready and running Eloy [Casagrande, drums] and Dave started playing and the magic was on, so great! The part they recorded will be a special part on the middle of one of the songs, it came out crazy!
“We just have to thank Mr. Lombardo and his family for this opportunity. Thank you Dave, we will never forget this, it’s a real honor to have you on the album!”

          DATE : MAY 15,2013


After Protest The Hero's ridiculously successful crowd  that brought in an ungodly amount of money, original drummer Moe Carlson has dropped out of the band to go back to school. Not wanting to let the fans down, the band announced a ridiculous studio fill-in with Lamb of God drummer Chris Adler!

In an update email from their crowd-funding campaign, Protest the Hero said:

With all this incredible progress, however, we have some sad news. Our brother and friend Moe has decided to leave the band to go back to school in pursuit of some of his other passions. When our gruelling studio schedule just wouldn't work with his gruelling school schedule, we realized we would need to find a session player for the new album. With Moe's guidance and approval, we found us a nice match in Chris Adler! Having known Chris for a few years, and with he and Moe being drum-buddies, it seemed like a perfect fit. We are happy to say that Chris has already come and gone from canada and has left us with some beautiful drum tracks.

          DATE : MAY 8,2013


Dream Theater have just announced a new studio album will be released this fall. 

Dream Theater have picked the incredibly creative title of Dream Theater for their new album and they will be releasing it on September 24th on Roadrunner Records. This will be the first time that new(-ish) drummer Mike Mangini has an active role in the writing process. The band will be working with engineer Richard Chycki on the album. Chycki previously worked with frontman James LaBrie on LaBrie's solo album.

Here's a studio teaser the band released:

          DATE : MAY 7,2013


A few weeks ago, former Killswitch Engage vocalist Howard Jones confirmed that he would be forming a new band with All Shall Perish shredder Francesco Artusato and drummer John Sankey of Australia's Devolved.

The band is deep in the writing process of a new record and over the weekend they announced their band name.

The band is called The Devil You Know and they are hoping to have new music released by the end of the year.

I haven't heard any new material but talking to a member of the band's management, he summarized the material in one word… "heavy."

Drummer John Sankey posted this photo of himself and Artusato to his Facebook page late last week announcing the band is deep in rehersals for the new album:

         DATE : MAY 5,2013


As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis has spent the better part of May in a San Diego jail after being arrested on May 7th for attempting to hire a hitman to murder his wife. The supposed hitman ended up being an undercover cop. Lambesis eventually plead not guilty to one count of solicitation of murder with a $2 million dollar bail set.

As of 6:34pm this evening, May 30th, Lambesis is no longer in custody.

The San Diego Sheriff's Department has an email alert system sent an alert that Lambesis was released as of 6:34pm eastern time.
Indeed, a look up on the San Diego Sheriff's department website shows that Lambesis stated "the person you are searching for is not in our custody."

I personally called the San Diego County Jail and an operator confirmed to me that Lambesis was released on bond after looking it up in their internal system.

Previously, the judge ruled that should Lambesis make bail, which he has, he would have to wear a GPS braclet and could not leave San Diego unless he was visiting his lawyer. He was also ordered to stay away from his wife and children.

         DATE : MAY 31,2013


Ever since Slipknot wrapped up touring on Mayhem Fest last year, the big question was when will the band get together to write new material. Drummer Joey Jordison began writing immediately, and had enough material that he spun it off into a side project.

Corey Taylor, meanwhile, began to focus on his other baby, Stone Sour. He previously said he won't be ready to work on Slipknot until 2015, but it seems like there has been some sort of shift in schedules. After Clown has begun saying that 2014 is the year Slipknot is getting back together, it seems Taylor is changing his tune.

In a new interview with Pulse of Radio (transcribed by Blabbermouth), the Slipknot frontman said that looks like business will pick up next year:

"I know everybody is pretty keen on getting together and seeing what happens next year, so I mean, if it takes us a year to write an album, so be it," he said. "The main goal is to just get us in the room and just see what happens, you know. If we can get past that first day, I think it'll come together. Now that we're all kind of in better places in our lives and whatnot, it's making it a little easierto be excited about it again. It's just starting to feel like it's time."

         DATE : MAY 30,2013


It's been a bit since we've heard anything from the Devildriver camp. The band have went underground to work on their new album, and have now completed it and risen from their caves to announce Winter Kills.
The new album, produced by Mark Lewis at Audiohammer Studios (with vocals recorded in LA at frontman Dez Fafara's home studio) will see a worldwide release on August 27th via Napalm Records. This will be the first record the band releases since departing from Roadrunner Records.

Dez Fafara had this to say about the new release:

We delivered our signature California Groove sound alongside a Raw and Biting guitar tone, mixed it with massive hooks, added in thunderous drums to rethink, and reshape another different sounding unique piece of Rock-N-Roll! Cutting our own path is something to be proud of. Devildriver has always and will forever be about thinking outside the box and delivering on something different from record to record, we cannot be assimilated into any scene or even genre of Metal and we will continue to do things our own way with a massive middle finger in the air to the status quo!

         DATE : MAY 28,2013


It's been a while since we've had a concrete update on new material from System Of A Down. They haven't released new material since 2005's double album,Mesmerize/Hypnotize and in that time frontman Serj Tankian has developed quite the solo career, while his bandmates have also gotten mild success with their solo projects.
While the band was previously hopeful for a new album in 2014, it seems that might not be the case and it might be Serj's fault for holding out. In some new posts on his Facebook page, bassist Shavo Odadjian puts the frontman on blast, and reveals the remaining three members are considering moving on without him.

Shavo originally posted:

ok….. Ill come clean.. Its not us(meaning Daron,John Or Shavo!! Its Sej, who doesn' want to do a new album!!!! so please stop harassing us about it!!! We are just waiting for SERJ! Now He might hate me for exposing the truth but i Had too.. Sorry folks!!! we're trying to get a new album out, its just not passing Serj's RULES! . Kinda funny, since we started the band and now he's holding us back!! I think we should should release another album again??? As for me.. I'm ready to release one with someone who wants to be the singer of SYSTEM. not soeome we have to beg to be a part of SYSTEM!! So with that in mind, what do you guys w should do? Just remember, Hes been holding us back for 7 years so far.. wanna wait another $-5 years? or shall we release a record without Serj? u tell us?????

In the comments he added:

we're tired of waiting!!!! NO disrespect to Serj System has to go on!!!!! who agrees???????????

sorry bro, @ serj Tankian . had to tell the truth.. ive been being harassed since you didnt wanna do anther record. love u.

The ranting kept going:

I dont want to make a record without him… but if he's not down? should the 3 of us just sit and wait?? Not cool!!!!!!!! i want the fans from all over the world including Brazil to tell us what they think.

No System? or System with with a new singer whos just as good if not better? PLUS new System songs and tours???? please give me ur opinion people!!! is SYSTEM better with no singer or someone who is excited to be our new singer?? you decide.. cause im confused!!!

…and going…

no diss to Serj.. If he wants to be in the band then he's welcome but if he's not? what do you expect us 3 to do.?? we really want anorther System Record! wish Serj was down but if hes not, then im going ahead and making a System record without him!!! im furious that he let us down like this, but we gotta do something to keep this great band alive!!! agreed????????

         DATE : MAY 21,2013


DL, the non-touring member and studio wizard for The Acacia Strain, has called it quits and moved on to greener musical pastures.

Well that kinda sucks. According to DL's Facebook fan page:

Well, if you havent noticed, i havent played a show with the acacia strain in years and ive just been writing the music for them. Ive been informed today that they will continue on without me, meaning shows and writing albums. This is totally understandable and i wish the band the best. I'll be around, as im still recording and producing and also have another project in the works. So once again, i WILL NOT be writing for THE ACACIA STRAIN anymore. Its been fun tas, later! Check back on for updates on my work. Seeya round!

         DATE : MAY 21,2013


Impending Doom are working on an album with their original guitarist Manny Contreras! Cool stuff, so here's to hoping it's a good record.

According to a press release :

Southern California juggernauts Impending Doom have entered The Machine Shop (Suicide Silence, Lamb of God) in Belleville, NJ this week to start working on their next LP with producer Will Putney. Bass player David Sittig weighs in on where the band stands in the process:

"The material is our best and heaviest work without a doubt. The chemistry between the five of us this time has been different and very unique. Our original guitarist Manny Contreras re-joined the band and we all could not be happier with what he has brought to the table. This is the Impending Doom album you have been waiting for!"

This untitled new effort will be the band's followup to Baptized in Filth released in 2012.

         DATE : MAY 18,2013


Periphery are on a bit of a break right now as they get ready for Summer Slaughter and guitarist Misha Mansoor decided "hey, why not cover a Meshuggah classic?" So that's what he did…

Click the link below to check out his track at Soundcloud - 

Misha posted the above track with the following "messhage":

"Why? Because I love this album and I love this song, and sometimes it's fun to do stuff like this!
Also a good excuse to use the Attack setting on my Protone Signature Overdrive Pedal in front of the Axefx II.

Guitar is my Daemoness 7, Bass is Trillian, Drums are Toontrack Metal Machine.

Work in progress, I am going to try to figure out that damn solo if at all possible haha."

         DATE : MAY 18,2013


The band Nightkin was announced in march. The band boasts The Red Chord guitarist Mike "Gunface" McKenzie on vocals and former Black Dahlia Murder bassist Dave Lock on guitar, BDM drummer Zach Gibson as well as guitarist Matt Gauntlett and bassist Matt West.
The band are working on finishing up their debut album,

The band played their first live show recently and released some live footage, which you guys can check out by clicking the links mentioned below and needless to say, it's some fucking killer metal…

         DATE : MAY 17,2013


Deftones 2008 album Eros was recorded with Chi as the last thing he'd ever done and was supposed to be shelved until he got better. Now it might just see the light of day!

I guess it's a pretty shitty way for a record to see the light of day, but that's the way it is right now. When asked about it at the Golden Gods Awards Show with Artisan News, singer Chino Moreno said-

It will, I think more so now probably than ever. I actually went back and listened to some of it recently and… you know, I don’t know, when or, you know… but I feel it’s a little more appropriate now for us to think about that as to, you know, in the last few years to think about.

         DATE : MAY 14,2013


August Burns Red announced their new record and a release date on Solid State Records! This might be pretty dang sweet… if you're into that kind of thing.

Two years after the band dropped Leveler on the world, they're back with Rescue and Restore due out June 25! Guitarist JB Brubaker had to say about the upcoming record-

"Rescue & Restore is about challenging other bands and ourselves, as well as fans of this music, to want more than whatever happens to be the current buzz,” explains Brubaker. “We’ve done our best with each new album to try to push our sound in new directions and we’d like to see our peers do the same. People need to realize that there’s not much of a difference between a metalcore song that has a couple breakdowns with a repeating chorus and the latest Lady Gaga song. This genre used to be better than that. It can still be better than that."
Throughout the album, AUGUST BURNS RED continue to do their part to challenge the conventions of heavy music. Over the course of 11 tracks, the band artfully blend piano, cello, violin, trumpet, various percussive elements and more into their sonic arsenal, taking their music into new aesthetic territory and contorting the boundaries of the genre.

         DATE : MAY 11, 2013


A few days ago, Frankie Palmeri of Emmure was performing on stage in Russia and received a pretty bad shock. It turns out that he was alerted beforehand about the risk and continued on anyway in the name of metal.
"I took the risk because I wanted to step on stage and play an amazing show," he stated.
"Your get wells and worries were very heart felt and appreciated. I'm good. I just want to play Isreal tonight and go the fuck back to Queens. Gino my monitor guy got zapped first and warned me. But I wasn't gonna let it stop me from doing the only thing I was put here to do."

The cause of the shock was determined to be "a venue with no ventilation caused the entire venue to sweat + faulty wiring and grounding caused the accident. Shitty circumstances. Truth is something like this could of happened anywhere at anytime. I've played many clubs that have POOR ventilation and electrical set ups I don't care about the video or what people are saying. It’s all one big joke to me. Just lucky I'm ok."

You can see video of the incident here.

         DATE : MAY 9, 2013


As I Lay Dying and Austrian Death Machine frontman Tim Lambesis was arrested earlier today after trying to hire a hitman to murder his wife.

Local NBC outlets in San Diego and Reuters are reporting that Lambesis was arrested earlier today, Tuesday, May 7th in Oceanside, CA after seeking the help of an undercover cop to have his estranged wife killed. He is currently in custody with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department. According to numerous reports, officials learned last Thursday of Lambesis' plot and made the arrest earlier today.

The band nor their label, Metal Blade have any comment at the time being.

        DATE : MAY 7, 2013


Legendary hardcore punk group Corrosion of Conformity are going to have Lamb of God's Randall Blythe on the mic for a new project, which also involves coolest man in rock, Dave Grohl. Prepare yourself.

Blythe elaborated on the collaboration on his Instagram page, posting the above photo with this caption:

This is me with Mike Dean & Reed Mullin of the legendary NC band, Corrosion of Conformity. Their record, "Animosity", is a HUGE influence on me, in fact the vocals on that record by these two men were the first screaming type music I tried to sing along to, EVER. Reed had a track he wanted me to write lyrics for & sing on, so I did (title is "Hung Out To Dry")- it's old-school COC style thrash punk & I killed it on the mic last night- SO FAST! It was a huge honor for me to work on this- it will eventually come out as a project called TEENAGE TIME KILLER (named after a Rudimentary Peni song) w/a bunch of cool vocalists. The instruments were recorded at Dave Grohl's studio (watch his documentary, Sound City- track was recorded on THAT board)- Grohl will add a couple of guitar tracks to the tune too. So good! Then I interviewed these two for The Crucible.

         DATE : MAY 6, 2013


Slipknot made a surprise appearance at the Revolver Golden Gods last week, and during the proceedings Clown walked the black carpet. How the hell did I miss Clown?! Anyway, he gave some hints as to when we can expect Slipknot to return.

Corey Taylor has said previously that we shouldn't expect anything new from Slipknot, other than a few summer festivals they have lined up, until 2015, but Clown seems to think you'll be hearing from the band sooner.

Loudwire caught up with the percussionist and he said this:

“Slipknot 2014. You can smell it in the air and people can feel it. The energy is out there and you can feel it. People go places we once were and feel it there, but not in full body, and that’s just because we’re returning. You can ask anyone around the world what the culture of the ‘Knot is, who truly knows, and they will tell you that something has changed in the atmosphere.

We’re coming back full force and I haven’t been so excited for a very long time,” says Clown. “I mean, we just got off a tour last summer and it’s only been eight months, but I feel like we’ve got six shows this summer and then after that, everyone is just going to chill a little bit. It’s on. It feels f—ing good.”

        DATE : MAY 5, 2013


Slipknot is not going to even begin working on new material until next year at the earliest, so with all this free time, drummer Joey Jordison decided to form a new project, featuring Strapping Young Lad guitarist Jed Simon and former Darkest Hour guitarist Kris Norris.

Joey kept it short and sweet on his Facebook fan page announcing:

Hey guys, I've been working on a new music project. More details coming soon. -Joey
Attached to that message is this photo:

It's clear to see in the top photo and middle right photo that Joey has grown a beard, and in the bottom two photos I spy Kris Norris formerly of Darkest Hour as well as Jed Simon formerly of Strapping Young Lad. This sounds like quite an eclectic combination. Norris can certainly shred, Simon and bring the mega-riffs and Jordison can bring the killer drum parts. But who is the vocalist?
Looking forward to hear what it sounds like.

        DATE : APR 18, 2013


Unearth are in the studio recording some pre-production tracks for their as-of-yet untitled upcoming record with Mark Lewis (DevilDriver, The Black Dahlia Murder). Get stoked!

Unearth issued the above picture on both Instagram and Facebook to announce they're hitting up the studio with mark Lewis to begin working on their next record. The band are usually good for, at the very least, a solid album with memorable riffs and anthematic choruses, so I'm not all too concerned about if it'll be good or not.

The band hasn't said if they're shooting to get it out this year or if they'll be taking a little more time for this and will release early 2014 or not, though I would have to assume that if pre-production is on now it'll be done before the end of 2013. Plus, the band only have a few tour dates in June and July, so there's plenty of time to knock it out! Now that we're all excited, we get to do everyone's favorite activity- wait.

        DATE : APR 24, 2013


The band, best known for starting the crabcore phenomenon have announced their five minutes of fame is up, and they're calling it a day. The band posted this announcement on their Facebook page:

Well everyone, it’s been a wild ride for Attack Attack, but I think it’s about time Whiting and I take some time to write this note.

We want to start by thanking every single one of you that has ever come out to a show, bought a shirt, gotten in a fight over crabcore, or spent the time to send us notes online. We have been insanely blessed to be able to do what we have done with AA and we think it’s time that we wrap up this chapter in our lives.

Yes, this means exactly what you think it means. The Back in Action Tour will be Attack Attack’s final and most ironic tour.

After 6 long years of playing in garages, VFW halls, clubs, open air festivals, and everything in-between. We’ve decided it is time to lay AA down for good.

You are all beautiful, wonderful people, and we want you to know that we deeply appreciate everything you have done for us.

We are sad to lay Attack Attack to rest, but are very excited for what is next in this new chapter of our lives.

Stay Tuned!!!

        DATE : APR 22, 2013


Darkest Hour have acquired drummer Travis Orbin (Ex-Periphery and Sky Eats Airplane) as their newest member. Holy crap!

According to Orbin-
“I’ve been jamming and writing the new record with the guys for over a year. It’s been especially rewarding in that everything was composed in a room together, a wholly organic process that I haven’t experienced in a long while. I’m excited about the tunes, signing on as a full-time member, and can’t wait to hit the road!”

Interesting! Especially considering how much studio stuff Orbin does without any real interaction with the people he's working with or the songwriting process, I'm sure this is a great change of pace for him. More than anything, it's a total shock that Orbin is joining Darkest Hour… I just… seriously, who in the hell saw that coming? It's going to be crazy awesome considering how much the man brings to the table in terms of composition and creativity, but still; just wow. He's the last person I would have paired with the band. Here's to hoping it's extra awesome! Vocalist John Henry certainly thinks so-

“This is a very exciting time in the history of the band. Travis is hands down one of the best drummers I have ever seen, and is bringing to the table an incredible and inspiring amount of talent and musical ability. This marks the beginning of a new era for Darkest Hour, one you will have to hear and see to believe!”

        DATE : APR 18, 2013


Lucas left Black Dahlia a few months ago on amicable terms after being burnt out from touring. But Lucas has been keeping busy, working on his own music, as well as a side project with Corpsegrinder of Cannibal Corpse and Adam D. of Killswitch Engage. Now he's added another project to his plate, session drumming on the new Battlecross record, which was being tracked at Audiohammer Studios with metal mega-producers Mark Lewis and Eyal Levi.

Lucas commented:

"Being a fan of Battlecross, it is an honor to be a part of their new record. I can't wait for the world to hear this album."

Producer Eyal Levi also chimed in:

"I am so beyond excited for the chance to produce Shannon Lucas on the new Battlecross record. He's one of the true BEASTS of metal drumming. The man's skills are literally untouchable. Combine that with a badass rising star of a band and I think we've got the makings of a crushing record!"

        DATE : APR 18, 2013


LAMB OF GOD have announced Europe and UK dates for August. Headline shows throughout Europe will make up the dates between festivals. 

Dates include: 


1 - Viveiro, Spain - Resurrection Festival 

3 - Rendsburg, Germany - Wacken Open Air 

4 - Cologne, Germany - Essigfabrik 

5 - Hamburg,Germany - Markthalle 

6 - Berlin, Germany - Columbia Club 

8 - Gävle, Sweden - Get Away Rock 

10 - Derbyshire, United Kingdom - Bloodstock Open Air- 

11 - Dublin, Ireland - Olympia Theatre 

12 - Belfast, Northern Ireland - The Limelight 

15 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Melkweg 

16 - Dinkelsbuehl, Germany - Summer Breeze 

17 - Hasselt, Belgium - Pukkelpop 

18 - Paris, France - Le Bataclan

        DATE : APR 18, 2013


Deftones bassist Chi Cheng has passed away at age 42. His family has released a statement on a charity website made in dedication of his memory,

“Our dearest Family,

This is the hardest thing to write to you. Your love and heart and devotion to Chi was unconditional and amazing. I know that you will always remember him as a giant of a man on stage with a heart for every one of you. He was taken to the emegency room and at 3 am today his heart just suddenly stopped. He left this world with me singing songs he liked in his ear.

He fought the good fight.You stood by him sending love daily. He knew that he was very loved and never alone. I will write more later. I will be going through the oneloveforchi and any other information may not be reliable. If you have any stories or messages to share please send them to the onelove site. Please hold Mae and Ming and the siblings and especially Chi’s son, Gabriel in your prayers. It is so hard to let go.

With great love and “Much Respect!” Mom J (and Chi)”

Cheng was injured in an automobile accident in 2008, when his vehicle flipped three times after hitting another car going 60 MPH. Cheng was in the passenger seat and wasn't wearing a seatbelt, causing him to eject from the vehicle. The accident left Cheng in a several-year coma. 

Cheng passed away on 13th April at 3 AM.

        DATE : APR 18, 2013


So Tesseract are all geared up to release Altered State, which is essentially four songs split into a bunch that flow through as one. Apparently they're also geared up for a short film.

The band announced on Twitter that they've done up a 51-minute animation music video for the new album.Cool to see that they're taking their art seriously enough to really let the listeners experience the new album in every which way they can.

        DATE : APR 10, 2013


Alright, you're going to want to stop reading right here for a moment and click play above to listen to "Into the Everblack" off their upcoming record Everblack due out in June. It's pretty much everything you've been expecting from the band and so much more. It's got that classic Black Dahlia driving force to it, but there's a certain, sludgier quality about the song that I can't quite place. Whatever they did on this song, they did it right and the record now has a pretty high expectation to live up to. Keep in mind that this is the band's first outing withAbigail Williams' old drummer Alan Cassidy (coming in to replace Shannon Lucas), who deserves some serious kudos for absolutely killing it on this track!

        DATE : APR 10, 2013


                      Born of Osiris are gearing up for another record due out in the summer of 2013.

Born of Osiris have begun tracking some pre-production tracks up in 37 Studios with Nick Sampson (lead guitarist of I Am Abomination). Their upcoming effort will not include Jason Richardson, who shredded the living hell out of The Discovery, but I'm not all too concerned.

Sure, Jason could shred and riff like a madman, but everyone underestimates the ridiculous combination of drummer Cameron Losch's ability to play everything, and Lee's obvious guitar techniques and sweet penchant for programming key tones.

The bottom line is that I think the band are going to be really damn good with or without Jason. Also, notice Cam's contribution to the music when he's on guitar- sounds a whole hell of a lot like A Higher Place, doesn't it? Man, if we could get a combo of The Discovery andA Higher Place on one disc, the award for "Album of the Year 2013" would just be handed out right the and there. I'm hopeful we'll get to hear something from the Born of Osiris camp soon that doesn't come in the form of a small clip of music- I'm too excited for new jams by those guys for anything else!

        DATE : APR 10, 2013


The new and rerecorded version of "A Steady Decline" is super heavy and if you don't think so, you're simply wrong. The band had been working on redoing their 2006 album Forging a Future Self for a little while now, and I would tend to assume we'll see the re-issue this year.

        DATE : APR 10, 2013


About two years ago now, word spread of a new metal supergroup forming featuring Killswtich Engage's guitarist Adam D., Cannibal Corpse vocalist, George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher and Black Dahlia Murder drummer Shannon Lucas.  A year later the news was confirmed, but things have been ho-hum on the supergroup front, until now.

In the new issue of Decibel Magazine, Adam D. is profile and author J. Bennett makes sure to ask about the sideproject:

"It was supposed to be a big hush-hush, but I think people are starting to catch wind of it," Adam said.

"When [Killswitch] toured with Cannibal Corpse and Black Dahlia Murder on the Mayhem [Festival], I was just hanging out with George one night, and I was like, 'Dude, if I wrote you a bunch of songs to sing over, would you do it?' And he was like, 'Fuck yeah, man!' So, I've written about eight songs. I've played them for George and Shannon, and they're both down. So, we're just looking for a time get into the studio."

Adam D. also assures us these aren't just songs he had lying around:

"They were written specifically for [Corpsegrinder]. He's one of my favorite singers of all time, and I thought there wouldn't be any harm in at least asking him. Once he said yes, it was like, 'Alright — let's go!'"

Unfortunately, there is no timetable that is talked about and with Killswitch just gearing up their promo machine for their new album, Disarm The Discent it might be quite a while until these three powerhouses have time to get in the studio. There is music though, and a willingness to do it. I spoke with Corpsegrinder last year when he stopped into SiriusXM studios and he seemed very excited about the project, so this will see the light of day…eventually!

        DATE : APR 09, 2013


Born of Osiris are all geared up to deliver their next masterpiece and give us a vague idea of when it'll be out.

According to guitarist Lee McKinney-

We're excited to announce we'll be entering the studio April 1st to begin the recording process for this record. We will be tracking with Nick Sampson (Asking Alexandria), and Joey Sturgis (The Devil Wears Prada, Emmure) will be handling the mixing process. We are very excited to be working with these guys.

Oh hell yeah! I guarantee there'll be plenty of uproar and butthurt over the names and track records of Sturgis and Sampson, so I preemptively have to say; relax dude, they do great work. I'm psyched like crazy for new Born of Osiris, especially considering how damn awesome The Discovery was. Sure, Jason Richardson isn't playing guitar for them anymore, and as much as I'll miss his shreddiness, McKinney is the furthest thing from a slouch on guitar. McKinney also had to say-

As for the album's content, we're gonna be doing 6 string and 7 string songs on the same recording for the first time ever. Aside from that, we've been more focused for this record than any of the previous. We've had 2+ years to write, critique, adjust and learn these songs, which is just something we haven't had in the past with our intense touring schedule. Like the last album (The Discovery), we've been living and writing this album together and it's made for the best, most focused Born of Osiris album to date.

What makes this release even more special to us is the fact that we'll be releasing it on the one and only Rockstar Energy Mayhem Tour this summer. We get to share the stage with some of the biggest and most talented names in metal. There's no other better way to possibly start this record cycle. We will see you all soon.

        DATE : Mar 26, 2013


Disturbed frontman, Draiman contains a bit of a negative stigma when it comes to metal fans, but clearly Trivium don't feel the same way. Instead they have a huge respect for Draiman.

In a new interview with Matt Heafy, the Trivium frontman explains how the collaboration came to be.
Speaking to Roadrunner Records, Heafy stated that the collaboration came out of a mutual respect:

When Disturbed did their first tour ever, I was like 16 or 17 years old. It was Danzig headlining, Six Feet Under direct support and Disturbed opening. That was the first time I ever saw Disturbed. Throughout the years…in 2005, we finished our show in Chicago – we were supporting Danzig, we were second out of five for the Danzig/Kataklysm tour, and David Draiman just happened to be at the show. He came up and was like, “Hey, you guys are awesome, I’ve been a fan of you guys for a while,” and we were really blown away that the guy from Disturbed liked our band. So that was it – it was kind of this quick little meeting. But we’d meet every other year or so at a random show, and we’d kind of keep in touch.

Heafy goes on to say when both bands were on Mayhem Fest a few years ago, he gave Draiman a copy of In Waves and that's when Draiman came in with a proposition.

Last date of the tour, he pops in and wants to talk to me, and he tells me that never before has he felt we were ready to make the jump, before now. And when he heard In Waves, he knew that Trivium was ready to make the leap. That he’s always been a big fan, but when he heard the songs and the songwriting power that was In Waves, he wanted to work with us. And he said, If you want to work with me, I would love to work with you. And naturally we were like, Yeah, we’d love to.

Heafy goes on to say this is going to be a huge sounding record, and that Draiman helped the band a lot with songwriting. It's safe to say that the new Trivium material will certainly be more "accessible." Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I guess we'll have to wait a little longer to find out.

Read the entire interview at Roadrunner Records.

        DATE : Mar 26, 2013


Singer Jonathan Carpenter parted ways with The Contortionist over the weekend, because his longtime girlfriend is about to his first child. According to a press release released Friday afternoon, Mike Lessard of Last Chance To Reason will be temporarily replacing Carpenter on the road for the remainder of their dates.

For those of you who are bummed that Carpenter has his priorities in line, he said in a statement that he would eventually return to music. Here's his statement:

"Making songs with the band and then performing them in front of the best fans has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I wouldn't trade the perspective I've found in the past few years for anything. I got to meet so many amazing people and see a good chunk of the world. I absolutely intend to keep creating and playing music in the future, albeit in a more personal pursuit.

I will miss seeing everyone in the The Contortionist family very much. I wish the best to all of my band buds and everyone who supports live music and all this heavy banger music we've been making. I feel very excited for my future with the love of my life and our pups, and our little one on the way."

        DATE : Mar 23, 2013


Coming right off the heels of their newest album is… more new stuff? Get a brief glimpse into Whitechapel Record #5!

Hell yeah! Check out the little teaser the band posted via Vine on the new stuff. I'd make some assumptions on the material, but it's a little early and the clip is a little short… but I'll be damned if it doesn't make me excited as hell for the next record. I mean, think about the progression of the last two albums; A New Era of Corruption was their transition out of the "early 2000's" metalcore type thing, and the self-titled was almost a throwback to old-school metal sound with a pretty heaping serving of New Era. So with that being said, I wonder what the hell the next will be? Sounds heavy so far, and I'd expect it to be, but the self-titled was so different and I loved the direction it went it, which makes me want the next album to take it a step further into a different kind of heavy. Regardless; new Whitechapel is new Whitechapel and will rule.

        DATE : Mar 23, 2013


Dutch progressive metallers TEXTURES are excited to announce that Joe Tal will replace Jochem Jacobs who left the band earlier this year.

Joe had to say this about joining TEXTURES:

"I am really superexcited about this, it was a lot of fun doing the audition and jamming with the guys. It feels great to say I'm a part of the group now and I can't wait to actually get started."

The band's official comment:

"It was a big setback for us to see Jochem leave TEXTURES. Jochem was a driving force behind the band from the beginning and helped the band get to where we are right now. But Joe gives us more than enough reason to continue our journey with loads of new ideas and riffs. His diversity, personality, musical taste, the background of the band and of course his great technique were the reasons why we chose Joe to become our new guitarist. This makes us want to play shows and write new music even more than we already did!!"

Joe will make his live debut on a select number of shows this summer. Those new dates are listed below:

31-05: BUMA ROCKS, Doornroosje: Nijmegen, The Netherlands

31-08: Rockstadt Extreme Fest Open Air, Risnov, Brasov, Romania 

        DATE : Mar 21, 2013


Lamb of God is wasting no time getting back on the road now that frontman Randy Blythe has been acquitted of all charges in Czech court. The band has announced a new tour as well as a four day retreat in upstate New York to get real close and intimate with the band.

Here is the retreat description from the press release:

The band announces today the Metal on the Mountain retreat July 15th through 19th to be held at the Full Moon Resort in Big Indian, New York. The weeklong retreat, which is limited to 170 fans, will feature activities aimed at musicians and non musicians alike. The curriculum, created by the band, will include guitar and drum clinics with Mark Morton, Willie Adler, and Chris Adler as well as group instruction, songwriting sessions and competitions, nightly jam sessions with the band and fans, band Q & A, the premiere of the LAMB OF GOD feature film scheduled for a fall theatrical release, and a full band concert the final night of the retreat. Long time band album designer Ken Adams will discuss the creation of LAMB OF GOD album and t-shirt designs and band tour manager and sound man Brian Griffin will instruct fans on the art of mixing a live metal show. Non-musical activities will include motorcycle excursions with bassist John Campbell, a seminar on primitive fire building by Randy Blythe, and a casino night. Also, all of the fans will enjoy all of the amenities available at the Full Moon Resort. For more information on the Metal on the Mountain retreat, go to

Whoa, sounds like a great way to spend a summer vacation. Hanging out with Lamb of God, learning about their musical process and seeing a new documentary? Pretty promising. As for the tour, it's hitting secondary markets, so these are places the band might not usually tour, but it sucks for a dude like me in New York, although it's hard to complain with the ample amount of shows that come through here. The band have a MONSTER lineup of openers including Decapitated and Terror (appearing through June 10th) and then The Acacia Strain taking over for the remainder of the tour.

        DATE : Mar 21, 2013


Former Black Dahlia Murder bassist Dave Lock and former drummer Zach Gibson are bringing the heavies with The Red Chord's Mike McKenzie on vocals.

Behold, Nightkin! Lock's moved on to guitar now, Gibson's still behind the kit, McKenzie's destroying mics, and the lineup is rounded out by Matt Gauntlett on guitar and Matt West on bass. Despite it only being an instrumental sample, check out what Nightkin will potentially be bringing to the table via their sample track on bandcamp. Pretty sick! It's reminiscent of what Lock and Gibson were doing with Black Dahlia Murder, but it doesn't come off as rip-offy or anything like that; just a new level of brutal.

        DATE : Mar 19, 2013


Slash has teamed up with Rovio's game, Angry Birds to create a "Slash" bird.

It all started when Slash revealed he is addicted to playing the game last year. Rovio's marketing team got Slash on the horn and they worked out a deal where Slash would record a new version of the "Angry Birds in Space" theme and Rovio would create the Slashbird.

If you already have the game, you can download the free upgrade with Slash in it. If you don't, the game is available for a purchase of $1.99.

Here is Slash talking about his involvement :

        DATE : Mar 18, 2013      


Last week, rumors broke that former Killswitch Engage frontman Howard Jones was forming a new band. and the band would also feature All Shall Perish shredder Francesco Artusato.

So far, there are only three members to the project, Jones, Artusato and drummer John Sankey of Australia's Devolved and briefly of Divine Heresy. The project started without Jones' involvement and when Jones heard the music he wanted to be a part of it. From the press release:

The band – whose name will be unveiled shortly – was born out of Artusato and Sankey’s creative quest to stretch beyond their extreme metal backgrounds. The two had written over a dozen songs before even attempting to lock down a singer. “We were unsure if Howard would be interested,” says Sankey.” Yet, when Killswitch Engage’s former frontman received the material, a creative ideal began to solidify.

Finally connecting in Los Angeles during the last months of 2012, a highly distinctive sound began to become apparent. “It turned from bare-bones musical ideas into something that surpassed any of our expectations” says Jones. “It went from something we thought was going to be a fun, heavy project into something very real.” It was during a recording session at the start of 2013 with producer and former Machine Head guitarist Logan Mader (Gojira, Fear Factory) that ideas began to alchemize into something none of the bands members would ever expect. “It became a departure from what I’m known for,” says Artusato. “I wasn’t focusing on technical guitar parts (even though I still love that aspect of writing) but simply on writing what felt best for each individual song.”

“It’s a different style of music for me,” says Jones. “It’s heavy as anything any of us are known for but I get to do some different things people won’t expect. I’ve been singing almost all my life. Being around good songwriters and musicians in my former bands really helped mold me into who I am now.”

With Logan Mader behind the boards, this record is going to be a monster heavy metal album. I believe it. The band is currently recording and finalizing their lineup and the band is hoping to release music by the end of the year. Is anybody as pumped as I am for this project?

        DATE : Mar 18, 2013


Lamb of God will be returning to Quebec, Canada after a two year absence this June. The band is rumored to be headlining this Summer's Amnesia Rockfest which will take place June 14 and 15th.

"Rockfest is now the biggest and most prestigious rock event in the province of Quebec for alternative music fans and it only makes sense for us to continue our sponsorship for a fifth year", says Dominic Lafortune, Director of Promotions and Events at Amnesia. "Get ready : Amnesia Rockfest 2013 will be huge!" 

        DATE : Mar 08, 2013


Randy Blythe has left Prague, Czech Republic a free man. Before he got on the plane bound for the U.S., he had a meeting with the family of Daniel Nosek, the young man who died following a Lamb Of God show in 2010.

Randy Blythe posted "I am leaving Prague now- I hope not to return for a long while. This has nothing to do with this city, the people who live here, or the Czech Republic itself at all. This is a wonderful place, & many people have been kind to me. Not a single soul here has been rude or mean to me at all, nor done me any harm- in fact it is quite the opposite. I have grown to love this city, for it is a marvelous, magical town. I encourage everyone to come visit here, to see this lovely country. But for me it is a place of great sadness. While I am relieved that my innocence was proven & apparently I shall not be going to prison, I am in no way shape or form a happy man right now. The small inconveniences I have been through since my arrest are not noteworthy. People go through much worse daily & still keep a smile on their faces, but currently my smiles are far & few between. A young man is still dead, & his family still suffers. Please remember that fact. This family did no wrong, & have shown me great kindness- with silence, with actions, & finally with words- they spoke on my behalf to the court, & we had a private talk afterwards. All I will say about that is that they were very kind to me & displayed the utmost strength & class, & wished me a good life. They just want to get on with their lives the best they can. I wish them only the best, & will keep them in my thoughts & prayers. Please do the same- think good thoughts of them & healing thoughts for them. Trust me, they are good people, & I mean that from the bottom of my heart. They did NOTHING wrong. This picture is from Kutna Hora, at the Sedlec Ossuary. I was there yesterday- like Prague, it is an amazing place. About this city, Kafka wrote: "Prague doesn't let go...This old crone has claws. One has to yield, or else." I have found this to be true. I am yielding, I am leaving a part of myself here, I think. Some bit of me will always roam these streets at night, & that is only fitting. Now I will go home & try to see what good I can make come out the destruction that occurred here- it is the only correct thing to do. Rest in peace, Daniel Nosek."

Blythe was found innocent earlier this week of manslaughter. 

        DATE : Mar 07, 2013


Yesterday, the Prague court handed down a not-guilty verdict in the manslaughter case over the tragic death of a fan at a 2010 Lamb of God concert. Today drummer Chris Adler is commenting. "We greatly appreciate and have been fortunate to have the support of our friends, families and fans from all over the world during a nightmare situation for us in Prague. We are now able to get back to work, but are still saddened by the loss of Daniel Nosek. The trial may be over, but the loss is forever and we also continue to mourn." 

        DATE : Mar 06, 2013


As promised, Randy Blythe returned to Prague for court a second time today as psychology experts took the stand. One court expert stated today that Blythe "may have some antisocial personality traits." She cited when he was fined for speeding and public disobidience.

A psychiatrist was next to take the stand and she stated that "didn't meet several of the conditions for antisocial personality disorder." She went on to state that even with stress for aggressive behavior, the results were normal.

Also taking the stand today was the security guard that came down to the stage and can be seen on video throwing a fan to the ground and warning him to relax.

A female fan, 19, also took the stand and described seeing Randy "push Daniel Nosek with a lot of force on the shoulders off the stage." She was in the front row at the concert at the Abaton when the incident took place. She went on to state that when Dan fell into the crowd, the crowd parted and he fell to the floor.

Blythe's lawyers filed an expert brief on body mechanics to shed light on how the victims body would fly off the stage along with the injuries he could have suffered. The prosecutor, Vladimir Muzik, objected to the the evidence as the investigators and court witnesses gave thorough testimony on what happened, contradictions and all.

Tomorrow will be one more witness for Randy Blythe's defense, then both sides will make a closing statement. Following the closing statements, Randy Blythe will address the court. A verdict can be expected tomorrow.

Blythe is being charged with manslaughter after a fan died from an apparent push off the stage during a Lamb of God show in May, 2010. He could face 5-10 years in jail.

        DATE : Mar 04, 2013


Italy-based Homeostasis Of Universe have uploaded a new song, titled 'Khepera', on YouTube. Listen below. The song will be featured on their upcoming EP, titled 'Balanced'.

        DATE : Feb 10, 2013


Vildhjarta have posted a short teaser track of a new song titled 'Regnar Bensin' on their YouTube channel, listen below. The song is taken from their forthcoming EP 'Thousands of Evils'.

        DATE : Feb 10, 2013


The Prague City Court trial began today with Lamb of God frontman arriving at the courthouse about 30 minutes early.

"And so it begins. I am calm and prepared," Randy wrote on his Instagram account. "Everyone, thanks for your good thoughts and prayers. Have a nice day, y'all!"

Speaking in court, Randy said: "I've kept my word. I said that I would come back to court today and I did. I do not shy away from responsibility. I'm not a person who runs away from problems. But I do not want to be punished for something I did not do."

Randy explained that fans are normally prohibited from jumping on stage, but the Prague show was different. People climbed up on stage and found themselves standing next to bandmembers. 

"The fan's death breaks my heart," Randy said.

"I never saw Daniel and I never came in contact with him," he added in court."

The parents of the victim are asking for $530,000 USD for the loss of their son.

Blythe is accused of pushing the victim off the stage at a concert in which he died 30 days later. 

        DATE :   Feb 05, 2013


FINNTROLL have completed work on their sixth album at Sonic Pump Studios in Helsinki. The as-yet-untitled album will be released worldwide through Century Media Records in late March 2013.

Commented the band: "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new FINNTROLL album! Now we're gonna crack open a couple of beers, listen to the damn thing and relax. Fourteen-hour days have finally paid off! 

"We've booked mastering January 16th! Before that, we still have loads to do and enhance."

FINNTROLL posted on their studio blog: "Combining our trademark sound with even more influences from non- traditional genres in metal music, we have created 11 songs which show you everything we want to offer. And boy, wasn't that one of the hardest tasks for some time. After all, how do you keep your sound fresh, yet familiar, after 6 albums and 15 years?

"At some point, we were afraid that the songs are not melodic enough. Then we started to fear they became too melodic. Then we let the songs rest for a while and molded them more in a way that the non-melodic stuff got something to hum with, and the cheesy pop songs were arranged more stripped and aggressive. We were confident, yet sometimes scared what will people think of the stuff we've been doing so hard. What if they hate it? That would be fine, but if they would hate it because the material was uninspiring, boring and done-to-death, that would be a huge disappointment. So, we kept pushing and tried to keep it fresh all the time, while still having the 'this has to be FINNTROLL because no other band sounds this insane' — grinning going on.

        DATE :   Dec 31, 2012


Over the weekend, Obey The Brave had their van broken into while on tour in Montreal, Canada. The band stated about the incident:

"You can break into our van and steal our shit but you will never break our spirit.

"To the cowards that stole from us yesterday and that have been continuously stealing from bands in downtown Montreal week after week, one day we will find you and you will pay dearly."

        DATE :   Dec 17, 2012


During SUICIDE SILENCE's performance on Saturday night (November 24th) at California Metalfest in San Bernardino, California, guitarist Mark Heylmun announced that the band will perform a special show to raise funds for the Kenadee Lucker's Education Fund.

The show is scheduled for December 21st at Fox Theater in Pomona, CA. 

During the announcement (see video below), Heylmun stated: "Obviously, Mitch is not gonna be there. We're gonna have a different singer every single song. We're gonna put the best show that we possibly can together. It's already in the works. Tickets go on sale next Friday. Hopefully everybody can make it out. It's gonna be really fucking special. And all the money that is going towards the show is going to Kenadee's educational fund. So it's going to a cause and Mitch would really appreciate it and we appreciate it. Thank you very much." 

        DATE :   Nov 27, 2012


It comes with heavy hearts and sadness to announce that The Acacia Strain will be leaving their co-headlining tour with Veil Of Maya due to a serious van accident. Members of the band and crew are being treated for minor injuries.


Front man Vincent Bennett commented, "Canceling tour dates is something we hate doing but we will make it up to all of you. We are all very grateful to be alive and will see you in the New Year."

        DATE :   Nov 27, 2012


Ozzfest Japan has just announced the addition of Slash, Deftones, Tool, and Stone Sour to the lineup. They will join headliners Slipknot and Black Sabbath next year for the inaugural Ozzfest Japan which will take place on May 11 and 12th outside of Tokyo Japan.

The inaugural OZZFEST JAPAN line-up will be co-headlined by Grammy Award-winning multi-platinum rockers SLIPKNOT, who last performed in Japan in 2008. The remaining acts on the festival's lineup will be revealed later this year, and according to organizers it will feature performances from a dynamic mix of international and domestic bands with the goal of establishing OZZFEST JAPAN as the leader in the Japanese rock festival market. 

        DATE :   Nov 24, 2012


THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN has signed a deal with Sumerian Records for the release of the band's new album. The album will be released next spring via the group's own imprint Party Smasher Inc., is currently being recorded with producer Steve Evetts.  

        DATE :   Nov 22, 2012


All That Remains have released the first official music video for their current single, "Stand Up" Watch Now. "Stand Up" is featured on ATR's just-released new studio album, A War You Cannot Win (Razor & Tie). 

The "Stand Up" video was directed by P.R. Brown (Slipknot, Bullet For My Valentine, Marilyn Manson) who also collaborated with ATR on their recent album packaging and photos. "Stand Up" was filmed on location in New Hampshire.

A War You Cannot Win debuted at #13 on the Billboard Top 200 with over 24,700 units sold in its first week at retail. The single "Stand Up" is also currently charting Top 15 at Active Rock radio.

        DATE :   Nov 20, 2012


Finnish epic metallers WINTERSUN have released a lyric video for the track "Time". The song comes off their new album Time I, which was released recently via Nuclear Blast. Watch the video below.

WINTERSUN recently scanned 3,870 copies of their new album Time I in its first week of sales in the United States according to Nielsen SoundScan. The album debuted at No. 109 on the US Billboard Top 200 chart, making it their highest first week sales yet! Time I was released on October 22, 2012 in North America via Nuclear Blast.

Swiss new wave of folk metal pioneers ELUVEITIE and WINTERSUN, will co-headline a North American tour this Winter! The trek will commemorate ELUVEITIE’s 10th anniversary as well as serve as WINTERSUN’s introduction to North American shores. This momentous event will also include the German pagan metal band VARG. 

        DATE :   Nov 19, 2012


Canada's masters of brutality CRYPTOPSY have released their new devastating 2CD/digital download "best of" collection today in North America! Programmatically entitled The Best Of Us Bleed, this collection gathers 32 stunning songs in approximately 140 minutes of playing time, including 3 exclusive, newer studio songs, several rare live/demo/cover/bonus tracks as well as selected cuts from the first 6 studio albums by these technical death metal pioneers. The striking cover artwork of this compilation was designed by Toshihiro Egawa (SUICIDE SILENCE, KRISIUN, ABIGAIL WILLIAMS, etc.) and the booklet contains extensive biographical liner notes by Adrien Begrand.

        DATE :   Nov 19, 2012


A lyric video for 'Lunatic Necromancy' from Alabama's death metallers CHAOS INCEPTION has been posted and can be viewed above. The lyric video is based on spectacular 3D-like depiction of album's cover done by Paolo Girardi. The song itself can be found on band's latest album, The Abrogation, which was issued by Lavadome productions this June, and represents and unmercifully skilful onslaught of Brazilian/Floridian style of death metal.

The band comments on the lyrics: "'Lunatic Necromancy' represents the perversion and sadism of an insane mind, in a different and perhaps more realistic way than is typical. We do not glorify ritual murderers or serial killers. They are pathetic individuals - aberrations. What is the voice that they hear in their minds? What are their hallucinations? You will not understand them, but could you unwittingly become one?"

        DATE :   Nov 18, 2012


Prague police have completed their investigation into the Randy Blythe manslaughter case, two and a half years after the incident happened. Police in Czech Republic have suggested that Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe be returned to Czech custody, indicted and ordered to stand trial for the manslaughter of Daniel Nosek in 2010 following a Lamb of God concert.

The prosecutor's office now must rule whether to file charges against Blythe. Blythe was allowed to return back to the U.S. five weeks after being detained over this passed Summer but maintains he will return to Czech Republic to face charges if they are filed.

Prague City Prosecutor's Office Štěpánka Zenklová stated that "The applicant would like to decide by the end of November." 

        DATE :   Nov 16, 2012


Hollywood Undead have selected M. Shawn Crahan aka clown to direct the video accompanying the band's lead single from the forthcoming new album Notes From The Underground. Clown has been an acclaimed director for years working in the field of music video, delivering clips for his own band Slipknot throughout their multi-platinum Grammy-winning career. Crahan also directed Slipknot's 2005 DVD Voliminal: Inside The Nine.

On the selection Da Kurlzz shares, "We are very excited to be working with someone that thinks as progressively about their art as we do. clown is a great director, and together we are going to deliver something truly memorable."

Hollywood Undead recently released the lead single "We Are" to rock radio. The track reunites the band with producer Danny Lohner (Nine Inch Nails, Puscifer), and delivers an epic call-to-arms laced with gnashing guitars, lyrical jabs and fiery beats. Selecting the track as the lead entry on the weekly playlist, USA Today stated, "The horror-loving rap-rock outfit Hollywood Undead previews January's Notes From the Underground with We Are, an anthem for disenfranchised youth. A brutally captivating chorus wraps desolation and desperation into the lyrics 'We are made from broken parts ... we are broken from the start'. It's self-destructive and cathartic." Band member Johnny 3 Tears elaborates, "The song is about collective resistance. It's the silent majority, but we're using Los Angeles as the backdrop. Every time we work with Danny, he takes our music to the next level. Think of it as an ode to our misled youth."

The album title is a homage to the Fyodor Dostoyevsky novel—a Johnny 3 Tears personal favorite—the moniker alludes to what's really under the mask. He elaborates, "We've maintained an underground identity. When we write songs, we're coming from a place people don't like to look at or talk about openly. As people get older, they get used to lying. We have a bond with so many kids because they appreciate that honesty. They don't know how bad some things get yet. We tell them the truth."

While the band’s roots are in the underground, the band has drawn mainstream attention since the release of their 2008 near platinum-selling debut Swan Songs and its acclaimed 2010 follow-up American Tragedy. Swan Songs has moved well over 900,000 copies, and American Tragedy debuted on the Billboard Top 200 at #4 with first-week sales exceeding 67,000. They've played sold out headline shows all over the world as well as rousing appearances at festivals such as the Rock on the Range, Epicenter and UK's Download Festival

The masked Los Angeles collective—Johnny 3 Tears, J-Dog, Charlie Scene, Danny, Funny Man, and Da Kurlzz are excited about the release of their third album in January, 2013. "Nothing could change us or our music," assures J-Dog. "We may change the method but not the message." Notes From The Underground was produced by Griffin Boice, Sam & Sluggo, and Danny Lohner, The album emerges directly from that same place behind the curtain, underneath the veneer, and inside the darkest heart of their city. 

        DATE :   Nov 15, 2012


California Metal titans IMPENDING DOOM have announced THE CHAOS REBORN TOUR running this winter in continuous support of their hard hitting record, "Baptized In Filth." Support will come from THICK AS BLOOD, FIT FOR A KING, THE BROWNING, HEARTS & HANDS and label mates THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE.
The band released their latest record "Baptized in Filth" earlier this year. Produced by Andreas Magnusson and Machine, this is the bands fourth full length and most ferocious effort to date.

        DATE :   Nov 14, 2012


IRON MAIDEN are confirmed to headline Sonisphere Italy which takes place in Milan at Fiera Milano Live Rho on Saturday, June 8th, and Sonisphere France which takes place at Snowhall Park, Amneville, North Eastern France on Saturday, June 8th and Sunday, June 9th.  

        DATE :   Nov 14, 2012


SHADOWS FALL has announced that Brandon Lundeen from TRUMPET THE HARLOT and Jay Waterman from THY WILL BE DONE will sit behind the drums for their upcoming shows while drummer Jason Bittner continues to receive treatment for acute pancreatitis.

Bittner stated: "As of last week, I was told to rest for one more week and then as long as I'm feeling better, I can resume starting to play again in order to recoup and rejoin the tour. At this present time, it's hard to say exactly when I will be 110% — maybe a week, maybe two, maybe even longer — but rest assured I will be doing my best to get back as soon as humanly possible without chancing a relapse. 

"I appreciate all the well-wishing and support, so in my absence please still go and support my other bandmates and the Party To The Apocalypse tour! I shall return."

        DATE :   Nov 13, 2012


Whitechapel have announced that they will be embarking on a North American co-headlining tour with Emmure! The Brothers of Brutality Tour will be one of the first tours of 2013. Dates, cities, and support acts will be announced shortly.

Guitarist Alex Wade comments on the collaboration: "We are really excited to announce our co-headlining tour with Emmure. We have been friends with them for quite some time now, and this is something we have always talked about doing, so it's awesome to see it finally come to light. Our first show ever was with Emmure in Nashville, TN before either of us were signed, so it's incredible to see how we have both grown so much in the music industry and are able to come together and put together this co-headlining tour!"

        DATE :   Nov 13, 2012


Suicide Silence frontman Mitch Lucker was laid to rest earlier today at a ceremony in Southern California. Lucker died on November 1 following a motorcycle accident the night before. The private ceremony was attended by family and friends including band bassist Dan Kenny who tweeted "Had to bury my brother today, he looked peaceful when I saw him. It was very hard but it was needed! To the fans just know Mitch loved yall".

Sumerian Records founder Ash Avildsen tweeted the funeral program.

SUICIDE SILENCE has launched the official Mitch Lucker Memorial Fund to provide financial assistance to the daughter of the late singer. Lucker, died Thursday, November 1, after sustaining injuries in a motorcycle crash in Huntington Beach on Halloween night. 

All money donated will go toward the education fund for Mitch's five-year-old daughter, Kenadee Lucker. Those who donate $20 or more will receive a commemorative t-shirt. 

If you donate $20 or more, please be sure to include a name, shipping address and shirt size (S-4XL) in the comment box at time of donation. 

If you donate $1 or more, please be sure to include your full name as the band will add your name to a tribute page coming soon on 

        DATE :   Nov 08, 2012


Swiss new wave of folk metal pioneers ELUVEITIE recently checked in from their current UK tour to give this exciting update:

"We cannot wait to be back in North America in support of our two latest releases, for the first time headlining with material from our recent concept album! To celebrate this occasion, we have decided to treat our North American fans to a very special show. One that we in fact have only performed once before. Besides a selection of our all-time hits, we will be playing the full album Helvetios from beginning to end, live on stage, every night!"

        DATE :   Nov 07, 2012


It was announced recently that Shannon Lucas would be sitting out of the upcomning Black Dahlia Murder tour and that Alan Cassidy (Abigail Williams) would be filling in. Today, Shannon issued a video statement announcing he is out of BDM for good and also has an upcoming project with Adam D. of Killswitch Engage and Corpse Grinder of Cannibal Corpse. Check out the video statement below:

        DATE :   Nov 07, 2012


Many people have a countdown until December 21, 2012. The time has come for a new countdown: January 12, 2013. Modern metal juggernauts MUTINY WITHIN have announced the official release date of their long awaited sophomore album, Synchronicity, for January 12, 2013.

MUTINY WITHIN made waves in the metal community early in their career by joining the Roadrunner Records roster and touring endlessly on the heels of their critically acclaimed self-titled debut album. Having half the lineup live across the great Atlantic pond and having serious financial difficulties due to the rampant piracy in the music industry, MUTINY WITHIN was forced to go on hiatus in 2011. That was the end of the touring band, but not the end of their music. Epic metal music can not be contained – not even by the one-eyed pirates of the tumultuous thief infested world we call the "music industry". MUTINY WITHIN had so many good ideas and music ready to go, founding member/songwriter AJ and singer Chris Clancy decided to finish what they started and put out the next evolutionary sound of MUTINY WITHIN in the form of the self-produced Synchronicity. 

The road is far from over for MUTINY WITHIN, and fans can look forward to many surprises leading up to the highly anticipated release of Synchronicity. 

        DATE :   Nov 07, 2012


The Bloodstock team is thrilled to confirm that our 2013 Saturday night headliner will be groove-metal overlords, LAMB OF GOD.

The headline appearance will only be the Richmond, VA-based band’s second UK show since the release of their critically lauded ‘Resolution’ album back in January 2012. The riff-stacked album bulldozed on to the US Billboard album chart at #3 and racked up Top 20 status in the UK, cementing their status as natural successors to Pantera’s post-thrash crown. As Metal Hammer put it, “There's still no band on this planet that rips faces and sets heads banging like Lamb Of Oh-My-Fucking God. Outstanding."
Also added as a UK exclusive, are Finland's AMORPHIS. Esa Holopainen, Amorphis’s guitarist and driving force had this to say;
"Greetings from Hell-sinki's 5K studio where Amorphis is finishing recording our forthcoming 11th album. Our agent gave us the great news that we are booked for Bloodstock Festival 2013! Bloodstock has become one of the best European metal events, so it's an honour to be part of the festival again. We promise to put on an epic show, so keep the horns up and see you at Bloodstock next summer!" 

The new album is due out through Nuclear Blast Records in Spring 2013. 

Swedish black metal legends, DARK FUNERAL also join the bill. 2013 is shaping up to be a landmark year for DARK FUNERAL; not only do they play Catton Park’s hallowed grounds, but 2013 marks their 20th anniversary as a band, and a new studio album (‘In The Sign of The Horns’) will be released via new label, Century Media. Founder and guitarist, Lord Ahriman leads his revamped band, now fronted by Nachtgarm, full throttle into a new Satanic crusade in 2013. Hail the goat!!

LAMB OF GOD, AMORPHIS, and DARK FUNERAL line up alongside the previously announced Friday headliner KING DIAMOND, special guests ANTHRAX, ACCEPT and UK exclusive appearances from FIREWIND and FOZZY. 

          DATE :   Nov 07, 2012


AS I LAY DYING have uploaded new video footage featuring highlights from the second week of the band's current European trek with TRIVIUM. Watch the video below: 

      DATE :   Nov 07, 2012


Drummer MIKE PORTNOY (ex-DREAM THEATER) is currently on the road with his PSMS project (PORTNOY / SHEEHAN / MACALPINE / SHERINIAN) and has checked in with the following update: 

"The two PSMS shows in China were great, but I was going through social media withdrawals because Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are not allowed there. No wonder China is so overpopulated - they're not wasting hours upon hours a day on social media like the rest of us...hahaha! We're now Taipei and look forward to playing here tonight and then onto Manilla, Bangkok, Singapore, Jakarta and then over to Japan. 

Not having social media access while in China made it very difficult for me to keep track of all of the hurricane damage, so I'm only now catching up with all of everybody's reports and it's absolutely incredible what I'm seeing and reading. My heart goes out to all my family and friends on the East Coast, especially in my hometown Long Beach, NY which seems to have suffered tremendously. I hope everybody is OK and on the road to recovery." 

The virtuoso band featuring Portnoy, Billy Sheehan, Tony MacAlpine and Derek Sherinian are playing an all-instrumental set consisting of material from each of their solo records and their previous collaborations as well as classic instrumental covers and extended solo spots. Mike Portnoy formed the lineup to perfom at two drum events at the NAMM show last January. Due to overwhelming response that band has decided to take their show on tour. 

"I knew when assembling this lineup that it would be a magical musical experience that would be a blast for us as well as the fans! I can't wait to play again with these tremendous musicians and share the experience with you all at these special shows!" says Portnoy. 

        DATE :   Nov 04, 2012

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